After upgrading to 1.3.5 I'm getting Errors in the log

I already said I will upgrade down the road. The problem here are the errors and warnings. If the SSD capacaity is a none issue right now then why make it an issue. Please help focus on the real problem instead of pointing out non issues.

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Are you sure about that? How do you know? If you look at a normal block validation time its below 1 sec. Usually .2 sec - .5 sec. With the warnings they are now 2 sec - 5 sec. You don’t think a 10x increase in time is nothing to worry about?

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Because you have 30 sec to comply, if your under 5 sec, you have 25 spare seconds.

Most of my responses are 1 to 5 sec, its not an issue, so i leave it be.

If you have 30 sec to comply then why does it give a warning at only 2 secs? And if normal validation times are under 1 sec then why would you be ok with 2-5 sec or even 30 secs? anyone else that is not having these warnings are validating the blocks faster than you under 1 sec and will win over you. think about it…

Thats a question for the devs, but its common knowledge you have 30 sec to comply, and is why we dont worry.

Thats not how chia works.
Multiple ppl can get a reward each block so long as you have the correct proofs, and you comply in time.

You don’t worry when normal times are .2 - .5 sec but now they’re 10 times more at 2-5 secs. You can’t even understand that this is a huge problem and tell me to ask the devs yet you’re here trying to give me advice.

Seriously? Only 1 person or pool can win the block. Multiple persons winning a block? Really? Seriously?

I cant speak for the devs , so yes, you need to ask them why they put inappropriate warnings there.

Yes, im giving you advice because you dont seem to have a basic understanding of how chia works.

Believe what you want.

Yes, seriously, again, common knowledge, DYOR!

Guys multiple people can win the same block. That’s what this guy is saying.

If not, how do some blocks reward 8 xch…
Cmon, im correct.

right now the max is 2 xch per block. wth are you smoking.

Your wrong simple as that.

Getting off track with responses but. . .

So the people here can’t figure this out and just likes to point to non issues like an SSD that has 100GB which in plenty space and we got a guy that doesn’t think a 10x increase in block validation time is nothing to worry about. There’s also the error Task was never retrieved that happens every hour that no one is addressing.

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Geez, i said if its not working for you try downgrading.
If you want more technical help go to the proper place, if you even know where that is.

Hey sorry I missed the part you saying your getting a larger disk. But one thing you forgot, Your the one with this problem and people are trying to help that are not DEV’s. You can got ask on KEYBASE and ask the big boys and maybe they can get you running faster. Nobody said that you need a larger disk to fix your problem, but something to think about very soon. One doesn’t take an empty car and fill it with just 1/2 liter of gas for a 400mile trip. And people need to ask others what their setup is to try and see whats going on. Hope you get “YOUR PROBLEM” fixed soon.


And with three Nickels still can’t buy a $.20 cookie

I’ve seen this problem posted many times with some posts having no answers and some posts that do get answers they’re ones with people like you just saying don’t worry about it. I was running on 1.2.11 before and it was running flawless. All times were correct for my system with no warnings. I’m just trying to get this figured out for everyone that has this same problem.

Question, you just stated that "I’ve seen this problem posted many times with some posts having no answers " What username were you using because this one is only 3 hours old.