All of my XCH Stolen

If you didnt verify the hash of past downloads , please do so, or theyre possibly still unsafe to use.

i am really sorry the hear that. thats why i generated that topic but i am afriad people not interested with it.

i really dont understand cold wallet solition. thats not solition i belive someone still can access 24 keys and added full node so you robbed again.

That concerns me too, but apparently the chances of someone guessing 24 words is incredibly small, but there’s still a chance.

Hardware wallets also work with mnemonics, if you cant secure them it doesnt matter what wallet you use, hot, cold or hardware.

2048 to power of 24, below displayed badly.

" At the right derivation path, then yes, two seed phrases will generate the same address. But in reality such a collision will never happen. The 24-word seed allows for 204824 unique combinations. However, to your question, the seed phrase doesn’t cover the entire Bitcoin address space.17 Sept 2023 "


Wallet "overlap"…-,However%2C%20to%20your%20question%2C%20the%20seed%20phrase%20doesn’t,the%20entire%20Bitcoin%20address%20space.

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What is also worth to add to that is that the time penalty for trying one combination makes it difficult to brute force those combinations.

Therefore, as you said, the only way to have someone get access to the wallet is leaking those keys.

Basically probability vs. likelihood.

Have your nossd shares arrived on the 18th?

My two accounts have not been credited yet.


Track the addresses. ask around. find out who has access to your room with the device.

The only two people that have access to the room with the computer are my wife and 7 year old daughter. It wasn’t done by someone with physical access.

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Insecure wi-fi???

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It has a password on it. And the admin password was not the default.

I’ve since changed both though.

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Here you have another stolen xch case on this forum where multiple causes were discused:

Sorry about that, maybe this other topic can help you to think about your specific case.
Please tell us if you find what happen.