Are my points correct?

From the Chia Wiki:

You should ensure that your points found in the last 24h are accurate. You should be obtaining around 10 points per day per k32, so if you have 100 k32 plots, you should be getting around 1000 points per day.

I’ve been pooling for a few days and currently have just over 100 K32 plots. I’m using the command line version of Chia and if I run chia plotnft show it currently says 84 points. Is something wrong?

Maybe it’s not. Points could just nullify if the block was found or there is an airdrop. Or syncing with pool goes too long.

Or maybe it’s just a problem on the technical side of the pool you are using

Dunno if we are using the same pool, but where I farm is everything kk, points nullify only if the block was found/airdrop.