Attention, coins disappear from wallets

Are you seriously suggesting just changing the wallet address to protect against coins stolen with leaked seeds is sufficient?

Maybe yes, because the hacker automation software is monitoring the default receive address and only work when this default address has money. But probably in the future the hacker can update his software and monitor all the receive address. The solution is to create a new wallet in a fresh new s.o install.

You misunderstand me, it doesn’t mean the new xch address on the same wallet is safe - it was just done as a test to see how the attack works…

Personally, after the attack, I created a new wallet (new ID) with a completely new xch address. By changing the farm payout address.
Unfortunately, with over 3,500 plots, it’s not easy to start everything from 0 . I would need half a year to create new plots.

The old wallet after the attack remains inactive for me…

Thinking carefully, you’re right… the wallet was created once on another computer and then imported into this laptop. On the pc on which the wallet was created, the disk was damaged.
There is absolutely nothing on this laptop other than crypto wallets… I don’t use it for anything else.

I would point to the machine where you created the wallet. Think carefully about what conditions it was in, what software it had installed, if you were using an unofficial client, if you were using any plotting tool. If you have belonged at any time to the aforementioned pools. Either way your seed phrase has been compromised at the time (creation) or later by adding third party software like app crack or some unofficial chia utility. I want to say that I am very sorry for what has happened to you and believe me that I understand you.

Some users reported that downloading de DB of the chia database from: using the exe downloader, all the chias was stolen from their wallet.


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I don’t think so, only 1 reporter. There is not enough indication.
I’m the one who downloaded the DB. My wallet is fine till now.

And here we can probably have a solution and cause of the attack.
Exactly a few months ago my chia crashed and I had to download a new database.
I downloaded the base from this site…

As you can see, the file comes directly from an authorized mining pool to which I am currently mining…
It’s just a suggestion!

Can someone experienced check on a virtual machine if this database has a virus?


Please, analyze the file of technologically advanced people

Take the time and sync for yourself, then there will never be a question.

A database cannot have code inside that would be executed.


So theoretically there is no possibility of infecting a database file?

A database can’t.
An “exotic” *.exe to “download it” could?

download the database from the sweetchia pool site
it is there in the form of an archive 7z

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That is just a database file. The only thing that can be done to that file is to manipulate it to try to change the blockchain history. But tens of thousands of people would have to download it and run it at the same time for it to be remotely effective. Not going to happen.

I also pool with spacefarmers and I have downloaded that file multiple times over the last year and I still have all my XCH. I don’t recommend downloading a db file unless you 100% trust the source. I trust that source, but that is me. Make up your own mind.


The database we offer as backup is just raw compressed sqlite file. No custom executables are required to download or use it. The backup was downloaded by many farmers from our pool. As far as I can tell you’re the only one affected from our pool by this hack.

Are you sure you didn’t use any other source for your backup? Several weeks ago a website offered a .exe file to download a backup of the Chia database and some claimed that hacked their wallet back then.

whether you trust or not does not matter. if the base is not real, it will simply be rejected

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which website? …
Thank you

If it is on the majority of nodes, is it not then the " real " one?

I mean that the database file itself does not carry any threat

That is why I said for it to be worth anything (to the person trying to change the blockchain) tens of thousands of people would have to be running that edited version.

Yes, if only one person tries to use one that is not the same, they will just be the odd one out and the will be a fork of their own.