Can only add 250TB of my 350TB using Win10 add plot dir in 1.3.5 SOLVED

i was mining fine with my 49hdds for the last 6 months and always using to the latest version. Since a week or so, i noticed it sees only 46 hdd and after 2 days only 33. I am using win 10 and chia 1.3.5. I checked in windows all hdds are fine and all files are readable. I rebooted. I removed all directories from the program, and started to add them again. It added them in 2s each until no 26. From there no matter which one of the rest drives i select, i doesnt do anything and remains like that. Even in confyg.yml i see it has only 26. I maually added the rest in config and still sees like before now only 245 TB out of 350TB. I did refresh plots and restarted the pc again. Nothing. I am afraid now to uninstall the program and reinstall it like i did 2 months ago to solve another bug, and it took me 10 days to sync it back! Please tell me you are not that behind with development and there is a solution to this without costing me 10 days again?

It was windows10 not Chia 135
last thing before closing this evening was to chech from disk management in windows as i once found that a disk wasnt seen in Chia and when i checked in Disk Management the mounting location instead of my c:\alldrives\2 was a recycle bin path with weird characters and i removed it and mounted it again in the same no 2 folder and it was ok.
Now last thing i checked again all mounting locations. All the drives mounted with letters were fine. However 6 of the hdds mounted in folders had no mounting location anymore even though i could see them in their specific folders! However in my c:\alldrives\ i still had 25 folders and each ware accessible and i could start to copy a file from each of them and it worked! Those were the disks with no mounting path but still looking in my computer as mounted fine:
Whenever i added the plot dir from the app it would get stuck at no 3 of course. I could continue to add others but the faulty ones didnt showed up in the list. I wanted to re mount all disks mounted in folders, but as i am lazy i did instead only mount the 6 faulty ones to folders starting with no 31 to 36. It worked. Now it sees again all my 350tb. In my computer looks like i have extra 6 disks as those 6 look like they are monted now in 2 folders but i can open a beer now and watch Spiderman :))

How do you have your drives mounted in Windows 10?

How to mount hard drive as folder on Windows 10 | Windows Central

That should not matter, if all of his drives were previously showing up.

How did you perform the removals and the additions?

That would seem to be the issue.

So it is important to know how you were removing and adding drives for Chia to harvest.

If your config.yaml file has a formatting problem (a space in the wrong place, or no space where there should be a space), then Chia can become unwieldy.

How did he have the drives mapped before, you can only have so many drive letters before you have to mount to a folder. This needs to be stated (backups anybody)

To be exact, 26 is not a magical number, but the number of letters that could be used.

Mounting volumes to a folder

I know a space in config makes all difference. I am a pretty advanced user.
I tried to remove all plot folders twice: once manually in the interface 1.3.5, and re-adding them in the same way. Second time i did remove them from the app, closed the app, rebooted the pc, then added them in the config.yml. The same result was in both situations. If i go to add plot dir, i see the list as it should be with all 50 locations added, but instead of 350TB it sees as total only 245. Now i did reboot again and tested if i can copy a file from each hdd and it seems all files and hdds are in perfech health.

I also did refresh plots twice and reboot, after each removal\re-adding when seeing its still bugged.

I am mounting 25 hdds as usual using drive letters, and the rest 25 using folders. It worked fine like this for 6 months.

Add to that your OS drive, and we have 26 limit.

Could you post your relevant config.yaml part.

Also, from your debug.log, could you post the logs that show what chia does during drive scan?

Thank you. now we know.
If you can see the folders in File Explorer, it should be found in 1.3.5. How much free space do you have on your C: drive?

Reason I ask, I have seen many boxes act strange with little space.

  database_path: db/blockchain_v2_CHALLENGE.sqlite
  db_sync: auto
  enable_profiler: false
  enable_upnp: true
  exempt_peer_networks: []
    host: localhost
    port: 8447
    port: 8444
  log_sqlite_cmds: false
  logging: *id001
  max_inbound_farmer: 10
  max_inbound_timelord: 5
  max_inbound_wallet: 20
  max_subscribe_items: 200000
  multiprocessing_start_method: default
  network_overrides: *id002
  peer_connect_interval: 30
  peer_connect_timeout: 30
  peer_db_path: db/peer_table_node.sqlite
  peers_file_path: db/peers.dat
  port: 8444
  recent_peer_threshold: 6000
  reserved_cores: 0
  rpc_port: 8555
  sanitize_weight_proof_only: false
  selected_network: mainnet
  send_uncompact_interval: 0
  short_sync_blocks_behind_threshold: 20
  simulator_database_path: sim_db/simulator_blockchain_v1_CHALLENGE.sqlite
  simulator_peer_db_path: sim_db/peer_table_node.sqlite
  simulator_peers_file_path: sim_db/peer_table_node.dat
    private_crt: config/ssl/full_node/private_full_node.crt
    private_key: config/ssl/full_node/private_full_node.key
    public_crt: config/ssl/full_node/public_full_node.crt
    public_key: config/ssl/full_node/public_full_node.key
  start_rpc_server: true
  sync_blocks_behind_threshold: 300
  target_outbound_peer_count: 8
  target_peer_count: 80
  target_uncompact_proofs: 100
    host: localhost
    port: 8446
    host: localhost
    port: 8449
  weight_proof_timeout: 360
    crt: config/ssl/ca/chia_ca.crt
    key: config/ssl/ca/chia_ca.key
    host: localhost
    port: 8447
  logging: *id001
  network_overrides: *id002
  num_threads: 30
  parallel_read: true
  - A:\
  - B:\
  - D:\
  - E:\
  - F:\
  - G:\
  - H:\
  - I:\
  - J:\
  - K:\
  - L:\
  - M:\
  - N:\
  - O:\
  - P:\
  - Q:\
  - R:\
  - S:\
  - T:\
  - U:\
  - V:\
  - W:\
  - X:\
  - Y:\
  - Z:\
  - C:\All Drives\1
  - C:\All Drives\2
  - C:\All Drives\3
  - C:\All Drives\4
  - C:\All Drives\5
  - C:\All Drives\6
  - C:\All Drives\7
  - C:\All Drives\8
  - C:\All Drives\9
  - C:\All Drives\10
  - C:\All Drives\11
  - C:\All Drives\12
  - C:\All Drives\13
  - C:\All Drives\14
  - C:\All Drives\15
  - C:\All Drives\16
  - C:\All Drives\17
  - C:\All Drives\18
  - C:\All Drives\19
  - C:\All Drives\20
  - C:\All Drives\21
  - C:\All Drives\22
  - C:\All Drives\23
  - C:\All Drives\24
    batch_size: 300
    batch_sleep_milliseconds: 1
    interval_seconds: 120
    retry_invalid_seconds: 1200
  port: 8448
    crt: config/ssl/ca/private_ca.crt
    key: config/ssl/ca/private_ca.key
  rpc_port: 8560
  selected_network: mainnet
    private_crt: config/ssl/harvester/private_harvester.crt
    private_key: config/ssl/harvester/private_harvester.key
  start_rpc_server: true
inbound_rate_limit_percent: 100
1 Like

i have 50% free space on C windows drive = 240gb

Not sure whether this is the issue, but two things that come to mind is that:

  1. maybe you need a slash at the end of those mounted folders
  2. when you create folders, some programs don’t work well when there are spaces there. Maybe instead of “All Drives” it would be better to have AllDrives or something similar.

If you check your debug.log, maybe you will see there how chia interprets those mounted folders during the folder scan (early on during chia start, or every 2 mins, if you didn’t modify anything relevant).

1 Like

This is how I have one of my nodes with mounted drives


  • C:\ChiaDisks\chasdsk1\Harvest35
  • C:\ChiaDisks\chasdsk2\Harvest35
  • C:\ChiaDisks\chasdsk3\Harvest35
  • C:\ChiaDisks\bx1dsk1\Harvest35
  • C:\ChiaDisks\bx1dsk2\Harvest35
  • C:\ChiaDisks\bx1dsk3\Chia-NFT-Plot
  • C:\ChiaDisks\bx1dsk4\Chia-NFT-Plot
  • C:\ChiaDisks\bx1dsk5\Chia-NFT-Plot

Grab a beer and maybe do some house cleaning maybe for furure expansion…

And maybe there is a bug that Chia like to see folders were the plots are.

ValueError: Newer block not found
2022-06-15T19:12:06.297 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node    : WARNING  Peer None did not respond in time.
2022-06-15T19:12:06.298 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node    : WARNING  Peer None did not respond in time.
2022-06-15T19:12:06.299 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node    : WARNING  Peer None did not respond in time.
2022-06-15T19:12:44.963 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on F:\plot-k32-2022-01-06-19-12-700399cf974c1beb6df69cfb5a94b771f09bfd58446cf506d4fdd97064c49559.plot took: 53.34419536590576. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:12:46.840 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on V:\plot-k32-2021-11-04-22-56-3e44830d6b1b7986e2891026da4f8a5c26c89bb05f60882ac787e005659c9e7e.plot took: 19.219510793685913. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:12:49.635 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\12\plot-k32-2021-10-10-15-56-86e33ef9137a12c733c2fa74f88010f6fb7776e687b51b149ee7497eb53db592.plot took: 22.01397967338562. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:12:51.208 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on R:\plot-k32-2021-12-26-13-12-f087ce263ca0f7ea3d5419cae915c9238b63c7310e596d1304b7ef37d91f63a5.plot took: 23.587940216064453. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:12:52.291 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\15\plot-k32-2021-09-15-00-26-519be9502b7ae49d24cd5b2f199660b656b39ab8aaa14a688d4cc564f7a2b4b3.plot took: 24.66983962059021. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:12:53.297 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on Z:\plot-k32-2021-11-13-22-16-741a5ecf2deaf3a383a4189421d72e302cab8811ada4822fd49e94329ce5398b.plot took: 25.676042318344116. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:12:55.071 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on U:\plot-k32-2021-11-02-00-31-f89cb30276e8f11c3479123fe8f1043c1e13939369398130fff177ee57b1243c.plot took: 27.473825931549072. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:12:55.773 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\11\plot-k32-2021-10-11-18-14-629d2a6f5007dbc38f1f0938c6f9a7617b5acf00f42755719a2923f33eb8f01e.plot took: 28.1749427318573. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:13:02.754 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\1\plot-k32-2021-11-14-07-56-1a2a20dd33ba3c71207bcb63150ba8e2724e27d77f98ad0f3e76f021aa252ace.plot took: 51.66418099403381. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:13:02.754 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on S:\plot-k32-2021-10-23-19-46-04c1ef0824982c05c4eeb208632f8c4dec3c9e02f1d28425a510699843b3fb6b.plot took: 51.66418099403381. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:13:02.755 harvester chia.plot_sync.sender   : WARNING  set_response skip expired response: PlotSyncResponse: identifier {'message_id': 2, 'sync_id': 1655309470, 'timestamp': 1655309530}, message_type 79, error None
2022-06-15T19:13:57.276 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on P:\plot-k32-2021-10-19-09-55-439725e41c9848ccfebdaba525857a635f5361879d05a78789ae1b355538009b.plot took: 89.65521121025085. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:13:59.781 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on O:\plot-k32-2021-11-26-04-21-872138fb6c9a3e65dfa9d191c1f1c4f3bce235e47dd2c132f9b711d3b0e3fbd7.plot took: 92.16064620018005. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.227 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on J:\plot-k32-2021-12-28-03-05-9d5728335d37cb9d03afe80ea85102eb5f988ecf0e4f3377e042333930c595d9.plot took: 63.470731258392334. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.228 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\21\plot-k32-2021-12-09-03-33-8fb745863273347ce5d89ebe6294ad4d5971889fb9d44ec157e166848d6e234a.plot took: 63.47172832489014. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.229 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on L:\plot-k32-2021-11-22-14-08-0c520b8b8f80845cd75081f5f92d57410fb53a0b181f935c0e006729e57b6a91.plot took: 63.47272491455078. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.229 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on R:\plot-k32-2021-12-26-13-12-f087ce263ca0f7ea3d5419cae915c9238b63c7310e596d1304b7ef37d91f63a5.plot took: 63.47272491455078. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.231 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on H:\plot-k32-2021-12-22-07-09-28f8ac47b865e519da8c416f8c35802067631ab7afcb834fbf404b03cefbc5c9.plot took: 63.47472071647644. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.231 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on Z:\plot-k32-2021-11-13-11-08-f9c9270263529e527402fa19bf1cf27ed560f0560b4d1e8e402dfffb11e4c28c.plot took: 63.4408118724823. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.232 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on O:\plot-k32-2021-11-24-08-31-94e2f0f23671084c6eed16b9cea90a636bc8320304bcc261ab0cd552609c2f2c.plot took: 63.44180750846863. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.233 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\7\plot-k32-2022-04-12-09-32-829e39e3d22ccf0008d4fe79c5b0a64a25fb92964140010b5e16917302d9885b.plot took: 46.10726475715637. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.233 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\7\plot-k32-2022-04-09-20-58-c789c3ff4d82f0aea9dccde1c885ea6e754c366c4dd05a85cc8af2250d427f10.plot took: 46.10726475715637. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.234 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on A:\plot-k33-2021-05-14-15-31-dfc4c66e61a77d16d99be2fb9f4d005626fcb4e2e2238c2cb4857f2c533f2590.plot took: 46.108262062072754. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.234 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\7\plot-k32-2022-04-11-10-17-f452f12e5e8d0d8dc5ae49de579dac0115f542cefec9ea357cbede84cde7f1ed.plot took: 46.108262062072754. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.235 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\15\plot-k32-2021-09-29-21-06-0da8aa790db9ae06cf70e0ba73f843018cdd9a8b47b9674896d1514359e5d3e2.plot took: 29.19109582901001. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.235 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\2\plot-k32-2021-11-21-00-30-c35f2e23e00c8a4cf8834d9991d072e0da82d9425998840cc8c9e1b57eead391.plot took: 29.19109582901001. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.236 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\8\plot-k32-2021-12-01-06-51-b5a8a32a840f2750f6e8c03b898c8b5bbdeed0aceaf41a27fb78e61822d3394d.plot took: 29.19209361076355. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.237 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on I:\plot-k32-2022-01-07-23-34-313b15c468d2080304f3c2c8d961b8007167152503c5751982bf6f1d720b6c3d.plot took: 29.19309091567993. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T19:14:06.362 farmer chia.plot_sync.receiver    : WARNING  _process: InvalidIdentifierError Invalid identifier: Actual {'message_id': 2, 'sync_id': 1655309470, 'timestamp': 1655309646}, Expected {'message_id': 3, 'sync_id': 1655309470, 'timestamp': 1655309646}
2022-06-15T19:20:47.170 daemon __main__                   : ERROR    Unexpected exception trying to send to websocket: Cannot write to closing transport Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Lib\site-packages\chia\daemon\", line 239, in incoming_connection
  File "aiohttp\", line 308, in send_str
  File "aiohttp\", line 690, in send
  File "aiohttp\", line 653, in _send_frame
  File "aiohttp\", line 663, in _write
ConnectionResetError: Cannot write to closing transport

2022-06-15T19:21:42.318 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: WARNING  Block validation time: 4.91 seconds, pre_validation time: 0.20 seconds, cost: 12343768, percent full: 0.112% header_hash: 7d2a891ab9db06d2d1f65a557b0961ca028b1bb6ff04b0afdded383aae64d1d0 height: 2122619
2022-06-15T19:54:49.251 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node    : WARNING  Peer None did not respond in time.
2022-06-15T19:54:49.252 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node    : WARNING  Peer None did not respond in time.
2022-06-15T19:54:49.336 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node    : WARNING  Peer None did not respond in time.
2022-06-15T19:54:49.355 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node    : WARNING  Peer None did not respond in time.
2022-06-15T19:54:49.356 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node    : WARNING  Peer None did not respond in time.
2022-06-15T19:54:49.378 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node    : WARNING  Peer None did not respond in time.
2022-06-15T21:08:21.110 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node    : WARNING  Peer None did not respond in time.
2022-06-15T21:08:21.218 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node    : WARNING  Peer None did not respond in time.
2022-06-15T21:08:21.218 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node    : WARNING  Peer None did not respond in time.
2022-06-15T21:08:21.219 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node    : WARNING  Peer None did not respond in time.
2022-06-15T21:09:24.217 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\23\plot-k32-2021-12-31-05-12-7d30b4e59b46aee3bc41c4d082ff438ebadfc2eec2f2d03eddf47aad22c08b0f.plot took: 65.51298880577087. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:09:24.220 harvester chia.plot_sync.sender   : WARNING  set_response skip expired response: PlotSyncResponse: identifier {'message_id': 2, 'sync_id': 1655316467, 'timestamp': 1655316517}, message_type 79, error None
2022-06-15T21:11:10.257 farmer chia.plot_sync.receiver    : WARNING  _process: InvalidIdentifierError Invalid identifier: Actual {'message_id': 2, 'sync_id': 1655316467, 'timestamp': 1655316669}, Expected {'message_id': 3, 'sync_id': 1655316467, 'timestamp': 1655316669}
2022-06-15T21:11:10.781 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on U:\plot-k32-2021-11-09-23-46-a9023099e484cde22baf04083c18d566317faf34413e9f993ea53ccf21fe54f8.plot took: 153.51868200302124. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:11:26.305 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on Z:\plot-k32-2021-06-22-00-19-2f08f6f61da37c74f619200749cb582154ffcaf71f098c70a8fe32829b027799.plot took: 95.57043647766113. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:11:26.306 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on S:\plot-k32-2021-10-21-23-54-c3bb06628e9e132476af4edf9cd02256817c174a7b70a1371088465c6abd848f.plot took: 95.5714099407196. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:11:26.306 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on M:\plot-k32-2021-12-08-21-56-6ee5ce99fe7e0fd951e223a0b0efab9cff8f06052b6d1f54b79c224340e7b244.plot took: 95.5714099407196. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:11:26.307 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on X:\plot-k32-2021-10-19-01-29-48d7b5b459b31247b938f9429293f3c2939039e5cbc3b48fb562dba694971abd.plot took: 95.57239580154419. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:11:26.308 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\23\plot-k32-2022-01-05-00-57-e97b9b4c57ab3560c8135bbf287b4b87b9002bbf56bbd3ed950ffa5c46c6a7ff.plot took: 95.54646563529968. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:11:26.308 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\13\plot-k32-2021-10-01-10-55-a5f585c732561d1296c7613c104c4a38c96142fde9489701d4c0752649af73b9.plot took: 95.54646563529968. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:11:26.309 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on Z:\plot-k32-2021-06-24-08-05-b9944c3321021bbb37508f39bdec629242a8919ec4cdbf166e1c99d2eae67767.plot took: 72.11071348190308. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:11:26.309 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on S:\plot-k32-2021-10-24-05-32-44f168b7d5226ead2a4b8051655e6cf300fa3510d93282989d9f280cbb95cfd2.plot took: 72.11071348190308. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:11:26.310 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on Z:\plot-k32-2021-06-29-23-17-9c2d41d3d06bc3eb082cf6e25b7368430689743b37611069e730288b502ee11b.plot took: 72.1117115020752. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:11:26.310 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on E:\plot-k32-2021-12-20-03-08-a84080aef8ffb350daf35c048f58197fc1c20ffc1dc20faad7f6b918843a8ed0.plot took: 72.1117115020752. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:11:26.311 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on A:\plot-k33-2021-05-07-17-20-9afca91c0e9ab074c1c806c82f93cd6ad27d1b7efc44b337e141112ce8e840e6.plot took: 72.112708568573. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:11:26.311 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on X:\plot-k32-2021-10-28-03-55-64c2dcc0a2d980e087918bac08c28dfc8f94735cad926624455b9db5244078f2.plot took: 72.112708568573. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:11:26.312 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on L:\plot-k32-2021-11-24-23-34-90442b1935946ffeca3337a9fd1f0a20aedc14f829551c86f1df8d0dd98832c2.plot took: 47.32168769836426. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.403 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on K:\plot-k32-2021-11-18-06-56-9fc780c99604497435ddb4485e447070a7d7a99d44d4426f15af2f5fac47c5d2.plot took: 85.41225814819336. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.404 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on T:\plot-k32-2022-01-10-13-04-df28bfeec1a969d71fb7df7695353be25dbc521279c29f2267b7f3c58ebe258e.plot took: 85.41325521469116. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.418 harvester chia.plot_sync.sender   : WARNING  set_response skip expired response: PlotSyncResponse: identifier {'message_id': 2, 'sync_id': 1655316467, 'timestamp': 1655316669}, message_type 79, error PlotSyncError: code 2, count Invalid identifier: Actual {'message_id': 2, 'sync_id': 1655316467, 'timestamp': 1655316669}, Expected {'message_id': 3, 'sync_id': 1655316467, 'timestamp': 1655316669}, expected_identifier {'message_id': 3, 'sync_id': 1655316467, 'timestamp': 1655316669}
2022-06-15T21:12:04.575 farmer chia.plot_sync.receiver    : WARNING  _process: InvalidIdentifierError Invalid identifier: Actual {'message_id': 2, 'sync_id': 1655316467, 'timestamp': 1655316724}, Expected {'message_id': 3, 'sync_id': 1655316467, 'timestamp': 1655316724}
2022-06-15T21:12:04.858 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on A:\plot-k33-2021-05-06-11-47-a72d0005c136a39c5572d53e67ab6034bb54f3d5e29b587305851c176ec71528.plot took: 38.498191356658936. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.858 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\9\plot-k32-2022-01-01-02-13-df1a870e0fccd10505fab02a8d4b1cd766a1108fadcf1ac407f6693221d4d864.plot took: 38.498191356658936. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.859 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on L:\plot-k32-2021-11-24-20-30-ec0ff73f971205e7c82d430dfc5f4aec27984647d4a1b9b0065af64adfcedb50.plot took: 38.4991888999939. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.860 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\23\plot-k32-2022-01-02-15-11-245ad333b78d5fa76f041bcee687feda532fb38a81eb4294503ae21458d1f98a.plot took: 38.50018548965454. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.860 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on G:\plot-k32-2021-12-15-14-15-c92399bf2719e4ec32bc1cf0cc57e9ebc85d0bda50ecb70a44249e24ed725090.plot took: 38.50018548965454. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.861 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on Y:\plot-k32-2021-10-26-12-44-41696bdae7890815097b7d978f7dedf53fcd8fa031fdccbdcdfc7d5ae3539a3f.plot took: 38.5011830329895. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.861 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\22\plot-k32-2021-12-28-18-16-48c60c1e907a8a8868cec46b9c5879e27cb2205dfcbc3f5e417d56034ff41346.plot took: 38.5011830329895. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.862 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on K:\plot-k32-2021-11-16-22-32-16f67f91fd4363ae6a91b4023b7fc5a66020ce755c7784e12642bb78785a7bda.plot took: 38.550029277801514. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.862 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on Y:\plot-k32-2021-10-28-04-24-7016510363db7f662ddfef07e7901fba2e041bf31737f09e66a3747f0bca4819.plot took: 38.550029277801514. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.863 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\8\plot-k32-2021-12-03-19-20-1a65b52310587b6e4a2fa263afab573c1695e0ecb033e3f1bf79ec77e7b8115e.plot took: 38.551026344299316. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.863 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on Z:\plot-k33-2021-06-11-23-12-0b4e1286294ca305bc8c290c210a0f0bf07189ef162cb891f09aad9834b48d44.plot took: 6.863653182983398. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.864 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on W:\plot-k32-2021-11-13-05-19-b91fb2cc2708d82681606e755c8a7585b84cbe905c32f445f06420eca0594937.plot took: 6.8646509647369385. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.864 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\7\plot-k32-2022-04-11-02-21-e3f544e5c6359ca4a1ae24638a0d6677f3db5cf5577dd28cdf6a890a81c71964.plot took: 6.8646509647369385. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.865 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on B:\plot-k32-2021-12-06-19-21-b45a6eee6430bf7b1d74124c6db22c8f26f3464ce27d7f1348e26e2196aea75b.plot took: 6.86564826965332. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.865 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\19\plot-k32-2021-12-23-08-29-1aab47354aff2d0db32d9ece148eaab8118eac701ac16ab2a4e53ea7a3efb331.plot took: 6.86564826965332. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.870 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\22\plot-k32-2021-12-29-06-40-b179498669e9bf6dd4ee27c412b52c61ee244679bbf9a8e8833a16b61fda823a.plot took: 38.5101592540741. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:04.925 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on F:\plot-k32-2022-01-06-05-01-d18afdc2af450a24c61f3a3994da2d5a2498d8119dd7f902791414365be77385.plot took: 6.925670146942139. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
2022-06-15T21:12:05.363 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Looking up qualities on C:\All Drives\8\plot-k32-2021-12-02-00-03-4060dcaf2b4c4f40bec20d01a3695f0593b250e298cb8fea1410b85d5dfda7e1.plot took: 7.363521099090576. This should be below 5 seconds to minimize risk of losing rewards.
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Thank you for the tip of renaming the dir without spaces… i didnt try that one! I will try this now.

From those logs you provided, it looks like that neither the space in the folder name, nor the lack of ending slash (or extra folder, as suggested by @drhicom) are the issues. You have there a mix of both just drive letters and mounted folders. So, at least what is there shows that this part may be OK.

Although, I would be more interested in the detection section - something along these lines:

2022-05-25T17:45:11.400 harvester chia.plotting.manager   : INFO     Found plot K:\chia\pool\plot-k32-2021-08-09-08-54-1d08e5b7067929b0f37d5bb0e91f51a09d9f5591d7ad39a3432ac01711863165.plot of size 32
2022-05-25T17:45:11.400 harvester chia.plotting.manager   : INFO     Found plot N:\chia\pool\plot-k32-2021-09-03-20-51-fc25bc04dea8bce0e7e6627777476f5d71f78d7094221249240a3f59469936aa.plot of size 32

It used to be that there was an entry there with all paths to be included, but it may not be there. However, if you scrutinize that list, maybe you will see something that will offer some clues.

Although, before going anywhere, I would first try to focus why you have those long lookup times, and try to make those clean. You don’t want to be chasing two moving parts at the same time.

Seeing 30+ seconds delays there, it kind of suggests that your drives go to sleep. I would try to knock those off first, as one long timeout may affect other things (e.g., accessing other plots from that drive).

Also, the number of checked plots per challenge is kind of excessive. What difficulty level do you see in your pool? In my case, I had slow (say up to 5-6 sec) lookups, when my pool was using difficulty 1. Increasing that difficulty dropped it to mostly below 1 sec.

I have seen some people on the net saying that drive letters A/B should not be used (due to Win code potentially having some floppy baggage). I am not convinced that this is true, but just to be on the sane side, I would mount few of those drives that you have there by letters (just mount 5 of those). Maybe that letter 26 limit has some side effects when it is used to the fullest, plus extra drives are NTFS mounted

Also, I would not work with UI, as that is more like a joke, and if not just a waste of time. Just edit your config.yaml by hand. You can use ‘#’ to comment some / most of those drives, just keep an eye on spaces.

My config.yaml does not have that line.
Mine has:
plot_loading_frequency_seconds: 120
directly below the last drive reference, and it has two leading spaces (that this site’s auto formatting removes)

All, do you have:
“interval_seconds: 120”
“plot_loading_frequency_seconds: 120”
(or something else?)

Perhaps when Chia loads, it loads 26, and would normally load the rest 120 seconds later? But without the “plot_loading_frequency” parameter, maybe Chia never attempts to load more?

My version is 1.3.3 which might differ from @djx911 version 1.3.5

Also, see if:
$ chia plots check -g name-of-plot.plot
…loads and checks plots on each of the drives.

He has the correct / working section:

    batch_size: 300                // how many plots are scanned at a time - a good value to have
    batch_sleep_milliseconds: 1    // how much time to pause between batches - I would make it 10 - those are millisecs, so really irrelevant, but let the harvester / OS to have more breathing room
    interval_seconds: 120          // how often to perform the scan - for testing / plotting 120 sec is a good value, for normal run, I would make it 1 day or so
    retry_invalid_seconds: 1200    // this is 'on error' condition, so don't really care about it as shit already happened

Your entry - plot_loading_frequency_seconds: 120 is obsolete, and has no bearing on the harvester. It was changed around v1.2.3 or so, and is not used anymore since that time. The PITA is that this value used to be read on every folder scan (so, could be modified without restarting chia). In order to follow Chia guidelines, and simplify the code and screw up end users debugging, that read-on-every-scan was killed.

That would be just too complicated for chia devs :wink: Nah, those scans are in plot batches, not drive batches.

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Just a question, why under his harvester : there is a statement
parallel_read: true
I looked at a couple of my nodes and it not in any of mine…

Actually, I am not sure, whether that entry is used during drive / folder scan (less likely), or rather during the proofs check (more likely).

If it is used for proofs check, that may be an unfortunate setting, as on one hand, parallel scans for proofs on separate drives is for sure a good thing, but if two such plots happened to be on the same drive, that is a lookup time killer.

So, if we assume that it applies to drives / folder scan, for smaller farms I would set it to false. If it applies to proofs scan, I would always set it to false (regardless of farm size). Although, for solo farming difficulty should be high enough, so this may be irrelevant for them.