Cannot create new pool plots via GUI (not "refresh plots" issue)

If you use madmax plotter which TBF most of us do, you used to enter -“farmer public key” and -“pool public key” in order to provide it with enough information to make that OG (old) solo plot valid and tied to your private key.

Now that we have pool NFT’s instead we enter -“pool puzzle hash” which is the -pool contract key I mentioned and showed the location of, and -“farmer public key”.

When you just create a plot from the gui itself all of this is automatic. However I believe the plot is made using your private key to encode it, as this is available to the gui so there will not be a farmer public key added to it. This exists to allow plotting on a machine on which there is no chia blockchain installed. It also allows plotting as a service to exist as you can supply a pool contract key (also called pool puzzle hash) and farmer public key to anyone to plot for you without revealing your private key.

Sorry this isn’t helping you, if your plots are valid in plots check, then I am not sure what the issue is. Do you have, or have you used more than 1 key on your install?

Did you plot your plot by clicking this: