Cant create K34 Plots anymore

Maybe that is the reason that there are two plotters in that folder, and chia is using the other one. Otherwise, it would be no reason to provide two plotters.

The chia_plot.exe file will produce only k32 plots – nothing larger (according to running the executable with --help).

The chia_plot_k34.exe file will produce k32, k33, and k34 plots.

I always wondered what purpose was for “chia_plot.exe”, when the "chia_plot_k34.exe covered the same ground?

Or when it comes to creating k32 plots, do those two executables run with different code, resulting in differing performance?

I have not tested the performance between the two, because I am re-plotting to get away from k32 plots. So it is hard to bring myself to create two more k32 plots to test the two different executables.

But maybe someone that is plotting k32 plots knows the answer or can test the results from each of the two executables?

Question, what would happen if you copied the chia_plot.exe to chia_plot_cya.exe and the copied the chia_plot_k34.exe over the chia_plot.exe would that cheat?