Chia Cat Projects and User Safety. My call for clarity (before something bad happens)

Chia CAT based projects have been proliferating faster then a barn of unfixed felines and I have been super into all the exciting things surrounding these awesome projects to date. I however did want to take a second and do a reality check that at some point we might see some bad actors emerge in the space. Getting some clarity around some basic questions on a Chia CAT and/or NFT project up front is a good idea. I hope we can prevent anyone from thinking this is a safe ecosphere for any bad actors for as long as possible!

Pretty much the same stuff if you prefer the written form


I agree with this video, even some of those directed at our project.

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That’s funny, I immediately thought of some things that seemed directed at my project. I think we all have improvements to make to get the @DigitalSpaceport seal of approval* :laughing:

*not a real thing that I know of but I still want

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It really is directed at every NFT artwork based project but is something that came to light in the context of SM1 chat in the discord. Things you just dont think about until after the fact right!


The only seal I can provide…