Chia forks - warning

Yes, but so can anyone else with your key, if they respond faster from expensive server, they win, first come first served.

Would you leave your house key copies laying around everywhere with an address tag , thinking you could possibly race to your house before anyone else?

I was wondering about this actually.

As I understood it was that only the node containing the actual plots can change the reward address.
But i guess if someone runs malicious code, they can make it happen somehow.

If you would run a VM for the fork software, can you set it so that a VM has read-only access to the same drives also being used by main system?

So that way you can shield at least your system that contains other private keys than the one you are running in the VM.

Because in the end we do want a solution for this. There will be forks and farming with the same plots is interesting and even supported in principle by the Chia dev team.

Iā€™ll be honest, Iā€™m not techy enough to know.
I saw a possible attack vectors so mentioned it.
I appreciate forks are encouraged, and Iā€™m sure there is a way to protect against it.
What you suggest sounds feasible.

I understand that if you configure a could wallet you would not have security problems on your main node unless you installed programs of questionable reputation directly on your main machine. Strictly speaking, you only change the wallet address that can be verified globally in chia explorer. If you plot with your public keys you donā€™t compromise your security either. So if the fork works with the same plots you should not compromise.

This is all hypothetical, based on my analysis and understanding, you would like to analyze a little more before starting.

If it were a personal case, I would start the fork in a virtual machine and load the plots

Yes,you are right.But If everyone is satisfy with the current progress of chia, why do we want to farm altcoins?

This is from shiba commutity forkļ¼š

Chiadogecoin is an open source peer-to-peer green digital currency, created by chia project former developer and shiba community,favored by Shiba Inus worldwide.
have fun~

Farm only if they have value, that is available in an Exchange.

wow, that didnt take long. LoL

coming with us,shiba go to the moon~

smhā€¦no, just, no. The whole ā€œfork every coin in existence and put dodge or shiba in front of itā€ is getting played out that this point.


Hi there,

totally agree to have a maximum warning when farming forks.
To mitigate the risk, do not run the gui.
Run them in docker image with readonly filesystem, and limited port exposition.

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