Chia HDD Scan Time..?

hey guys…

how can we check the scan time like hpool scanning…?


bump, anyone knows how to do this ??

I use this in terminal…

tail -F ~/.chia/mainnet/log/debug.log | grep -i -e “found 12 proofs” -e “found 11 proofs” -e “found 10 proofs” -e “found 9 proofs” -e “found 8 proofs” -e “found 7 proofs”-e “found 6 proofs” -e “found 5 proofs” -e “found 4 proofs” -e “found 3 proofs” -e “found 2 proofs” -e “found 1 proofs”

I think this is what you want!!

Edit: I do this and then go back and scan the log for high times… probably a better way but this works for me