Chia is on wrong way

But it does work, what is the string your using?

AMD has issues, And your 1060 has how much memory? You can pickup a Nvidia 3060 12gb ram for around $250.00, I got a couple and have no problems plotting or farming so far.

I’m sorry but if your not willing to learn from people, you can be gone very quickly. Do you need someone to translate that for you?

There are the Chia Inc plotters, and the MadMax plotters. Both seem to have difficulties with Windows for various reasons, but Max’s work-a-rounds seem more efficient, so need less memory. Or at least that’s how I see it.

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You are just behaving like a 10 year old with a bad attitude.


Max’s are publically available, Chia’s just what we’ve seen on their video, maybe there’s a beta, I signed up, never heard a peep.

I think there is a problem with the old cards. I just tried a quadro 2000 and it isn’t recognized, so i think maybe the gtx 5xx might have the same problem

So here is a question, if a farmer starts reploting to compressed plots using MM/Gigahorse would that plot work with Chia solution later once Chia comes out with their compressed plot support? If not then you are risking on staying locked in or using more electricity to replot yet again later.


100% spot on and exactly correct. You would be locked to Max’s software - short of replotting, again, if you wanted to return to Chia compressed plots.

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Unless you are using Flexfarmer… they vow to support both types of compressed plots (MadMax’s now, and Chia’s once officially released)

Not exactly a vow just good business to support all plot types if we can.

Software for farming compressed plots is incredibly complicated and work-intensive on all OS’s. I suspect Chia won’t have it for windows anytime soon as its taking us a while even with Max’s help.

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I’m pretty sure Flexfarmer will support both! :wink: