Chia only focuses on making rich people richer?

I’m at ~6 minutes with the low power CPUs, “half” memory, and a 3060 12gb. Easily outpaced/outpaces my available diskspace.

I have 10GbE and wrote my own Windows program to delete old plots, and move new plots simultaneously across multiple drives, works a treat.

Yeah, same here… actually have some 40gig NICs and a 100gig switch (not fully installed yet), but very little free diskspace. :slight_smile:

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You are rich by international standards, you have access to electricity a computer and internet.

I will ask the question from a slightly different angle - when will chia cost at least $100, are there any forecasts? It’s a very low price now, and a very big drop from the heights in April 2021…
I’m thinking whether to sell my 30 coins or wait for growth?

Got a crystal ball?

If so let me know the lotto numbers :wink:

You don’t need a crystal ball here, but you need powerful analytics and experience in other cryptocurrencies. I hope such a person will go into this topic and enlighten me (us)…

But the problem is, you’ve got absolutely no idea whether the person stating that its going hit $100 in six months has that experience, or the analysis software, and even if they do then it’s what I call an educated guess.

I know it’s been a month, but this is pretty fast for me to get to a project. :slight_smile: Thanks again for the advice.

I upgraded the E5-2640v4 to a pair of E5-2660v4 processors, moved the water cooled heatsink to the back, noticed that I paid as much for the standard cooler as the water ones are going for now (oh well), and it’s up and seemingly happy.

Gonna run a series of GH plots to compare the performance and then upgrade the memory. Also swapped out the FirePro W8100 for an EVGA 1080 that was wasted in a mining rig (not that any of my mining rig GPUs aren’t wasted, but power is a sunk cost where I run them).