Chia Plotting Services - Global CDN -

Hey ChiaForum,

Early May 2021 we started working on a fully automated Cloud-Plotting-Service for Chia-Plots. →

As a big part of this project our intention was to create a scalable cloud infrastructure to support unlimited parallel plotting per order and we were already able to deliver 1100 plots to our satisfied customers.

Payments are securely handled via PayPal.

After the order your download link will be delivered automatically and global high-speed CDN connections secure fast download speeds for your plot(s).

The start plotting time of each ordered plot can be configured individually.

Our services summarized:

  • unlimited parallel plotting
  • secure payments
  • automatic download link delivery
  • global CDN
  • configurable plotting starts

We hope you like our service and please feel free to reach out to or on our new Discord server if you have further questions!

In case you got extra plotting power on your machine that you don’t need, you can sell it to us. We are more than happy to use it for you :slight_smile:



discord: Plots.Space

Just as a FYI to the readers, before you buy anything, make sure to check the reputation of the plotting service and, as mentioned in the opening post, never ever give your 24 word mnemonic / private key to anyone if asked :+1:

We only ask for your Public Pool/Farmer keys.