Chia wrong wallet?

Hi everyone. Can anyone help. Has not arrived for the 2nd time
Second time it has not arrived. Switched from pool to solo. Somehow somewhere I must have entered the wrong wallet address. 2nd time now that the chia’s are gone. Would be really grateful

The first time I entered my first wallet address from the show keys command in the farming reward address. Only pool reward arrived, the 2nd time I took the wallet address that can be seen in the farm window at chia. Again only the pool reward 0.125 xch arrived. Can anyone help?

Something to try, shut down your chia and rename your blockchain_wallet_v2_r1_mainnet_5555555555.sqlite file to blockchain_wallet_v2_r1_mainnet_5555555555.sqlite-bak for safe keeping and start the GUI again and it should create a new file and sync up shortly.

Which wallet do I have to enter where so that everything goes to the wallet automatically? Please tell me that

When I go to claim as shown in the picture. Nothing shows up on my wallet. As I said, this is the second time it has happened

Which version of chia do you have running?

Now the last version. I don’t understand which wallet address I have to enter where for everything to arrive.

So you went from pooling to solo, correct?

Yes thats correct.
Switched from pool to solo. Somehow somewhere I must have entered the wrong wallet address. 2nd time now that the chia’s are gone. Would be really grateful

The first time I entered my first wallet address from the show keys command in the farming reward address. Only pool reward arrived, the 2nd time I took the wallet address that can be seen in the farm window at chia. Again only the pool reward 0.125 xch arrived.

In your farm tab click the three vert dots and you have two addresses in there one for farm and the other pool. On my setup I have both set to my pool reward address, because I’m in a pool. Do you have entries in those places?

Yes, I entered my first wallet at farm 1
First time I entered my first wallet. Only pool reward arrived. Then at the next block I took the wallet address. And twice only the pool reward arrived. Now I don’t know what to do


Yes, that’s exactly where I entered it. Then didn’t enter anything else. Thank you very much for your efforts

You can also try this since you don’t to be part of any pool. Shut down chia, rename your config.yaml to config.yaml-cya and restart chia it will create a new config.yaml file, you just have to put in your drive connections and let it sync. You can always go back to your org config.yaml because you have a copy.
Things to try…

Do you have any idea how I can get direct support for chia? I couldn’t find a link quickly at work today. But thanks for the effort bro

Which pool were you connected to???

Ok I still have to update discord so that I can use it. I’ll do that later. I’ll write you when I have the solution. Thanks for your effort anyway

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I was in spacepool. Was to halving good

I’m in Foxypool Foxy