Farmed a Block, No Reward

First time happened with my farm, got a block farmed but never credited any reward. This doesn’t look like an ordinary block, but I was curious what caused this situation.

Block height 3268923

See the log dump below:

2023-04-03T08:50:47.894 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: INFO     48 plots were eligible for farming 0f028b148b... Found 1 proofs. Time: 0.98469 s. Total 22770 plots
2023-04-03T08:50:47.935 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO     Starting to make block, max cost: 5500000000
2023-04-03T08:50:47.935 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO     Cumulative cost: 0, fee per cost: 0.018737285276378763
2023-04-03T08:50:47.936 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO     Cumulative cost: 266847621, fee per cost: 9.023601229014487e-08
2023-04-03T08:50:47.936 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO     Cumulative cost: 277929671, fee per cost: 0.0
2023-04-03T08:50:47.936 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO     Cumulative cost: 288906541, fee per cost: 0.0
2023-04-03T08:50:47.937 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO     Cumulative cost: 1228054383, fee per cost: 0.0
2023-04-03T08:50:47.937 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO     Cumulative cost: 1839010844, fee per cost: 0.0
2023-04-03T08:50:47.938 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO     Cumulative cost: 2284724702, fee per cost: 0.0
2023-04-03T08:50:47.938 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO     Cumulative cost: 2326139086, fee per cost: 0.0
2023-04-03T08:50:47.938 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO     Cumulative cost of block (real cost should be less) 3167005554. Proportion full: 0.5758191916363636
2023-04-03T08:50:47.939 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     Add rem: 74 90
2023-04-03T08:50:47.939 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     Using previous generator for height CompressorArg(block_height=3268923, generator=SerializedProgram(... too big to insert here ...), start=2850, end=3088)
2023-04-03T08:50:47.945 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     Starting to make the unfinished block
2023-04-03T08:50:48.280 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     Made the unfinished block
2023-04-03T08:50:48.720 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO      ️Farmed unfinished_block c074db189e910232cebfcedffa5725049256c0a3e367a64cea5427044b13f6f4, SP: 3, validation time: 0.0363 seconds, pre_validation time 0.3266, cost: 3166572751

To add more context, I see no evidence of tampering with the config file since several weeks ago (when I updated to 1.7.1), and since then I had won a few blocks already, they were properly credited. The wallet balance adds up to the expected amount, except for the most recent block that wasn’t credited.

I wonder if this warrants a bug report to the Chia repository.

Searching google there seem to be a few " farmed unfinished block’ results where no reward appears.

Maybe its usual for farming some unfinished blocks, maybe around re orgs possibly.