Farming error log

OK, will try rebooting the system.

I mount the drives manually by clicking on them in the Ubuntu Disks program, before launching chia-blockchain

I should automate that though

Can’t remember, doesn’t Linux have an automount ability?

Automatically mount USB external drive - Linux Tutorials - Learn Linux Configuration

Farmer screenshots. D’ont know if this helps.

Did a reboot: didn’t fix the problem.

Did a plots check, found 12 invalid plots which I deleted.

Still only 50-60 TiB indicated on pool page instead of 160 indicated locally on chia-blockchain GUI.

You are still really running Chia version 1.2.2?

I misinterpreted your answer as above.
Thought you downloaded the latest chia-client on feb 7 but now I see you said the block-chain.

I think it is wise to update to the latest client version 1.2.11, downloadable from
Did you install the current version with the installer or from github instructions?

Before you upgrade, could you check the following:
In GUI Farm section take a look at the Latest Block Challenges section and verify that you have a new challenge coming in every ~9 seconds. Check it for a couple of minutes.
From Farmr the only thing that may indicate something is the 89 completed subslots.
This means the 64 subslots come in at a stable 0-1-2-3-4-…-63 order. Thats a completed subslot.
If it’s not completed this does not mean you miss challenges as the order can get messed up a bit, like 0-1-3-4-2-5-… As long as all 64 come in you’re good. But 89 is a bit low and it could mean you miss challenges. This you will see in the Farm section checking the challenges coming in every ~9 seconds.
Probably nothing but worth checking.

Is it possible for you to forward port 8444 in your router to the ip address of your system? This will give you much more peers than the current 8, could also improve the above issue.

And on second thought, do the update first and check challenges later. Version 1.2.11 has several improvements on 1.2.2 you are running.