Farming Shamrock - 100% Community Owned Chia Fork

No more Proof of Luck. Real Proof of Space.
Earn more while consuming minimal additional resources.

Release earlier than expected. It must work perfectly.
Download and install here now: Release Shamrock Blockchain Maintain Release · Shamrock-Network/shamrock-blockchain · GitHub

Happy farming, Shamrock’s farmers!

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Updating the latest version: Releases · Shamrock-Network/shamrock-blockchain · GitHub

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The last available version seems to be the same version as you’ve created this thread…

@juppin I’ve updated the link here

I also created a poll for voting and suggesting an improvement for the next SRN version.

We always listen to our community, so please let us know what you want!

Tell us the problem and it’s very nice if you can suggest us a solution.

Vote on Reddit: Voting for the next SRN update version : farmShamrock

Is there such a thing as Proof of Luck? Chia has Proof of Space and Time only.

Hmm is this for Windows only? I installed in Ubuntu and crashes on gui run.

demnnn why are you using the same directory? ~/.chia/mainnet

very poor fork

our farmers farming on Ubuntu and have no problem with it. You can see the setup video on Ubuntu here: farm chia fork shamrock original plots ubuntu - YouTube

So where are you? There’s a problem with your damn server/network. Check discord for ***** sake.

Well apparently it doesn’t work at all :smiley:

This fork working fine, get some peers and start syncing:

It’s connected to peers and it’s not syncing. It suddenly stopped syncing. Same issue with other users reported in Discord.

here are my peers im connected to, the actual height is: 404840