Great video explaining how probabilities of winning a block actually work, and what to look for in case you think farming isn’t working

The point was not really about the result given, but rather the fact that different results are given if a plot is tested using different starting points. This basically makes such test worthless.

if you find plots at .4 ot .5 or .6 they need to go. then its not worthless. I agree to disagree.

Again, let’s say that you have that plot with .4, and you run the second test starting this time from 100 instead of 0, and it will give you .9. Which value represents the plot quality? Is that a bad plot because it gave you .4 or a good plot, because it gave you .9?

I’ve never even run plot check lol.
If the gui doesn’t tell me the plot is no good I just leave it be.