Harvester chia.harvester.harvester: ERROR Error using prover object Destination buffer is too small

I am getting the following error:

harvester chia.harvester.harvester: ERROR Error using prover object Destination buffer is too small

Any idea about the reason or how to solve it?
I have more than 70 k-32 plots for 5 weeks and no rewards yet…
Plots pass filter but no proofs found yet :frowning:

Thanks in advance,

That sounds like a possible running out of memory issue to me… what does memory look like on that machine?

Thanks for your answer but memory is around 30%, node has 16 GB so I don’t think it is the problem, isn’t it?

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OK, if memory capacity looks good… is the machine stable? Have you run memtest on the machine to make sure the memory is OK? Run mprime or prime95 overnight to make sure the CPU is stable?