Harvester Error: badbit or failbit after reading

I have a few files where my harvester says…

2021-05-22T13:50:15.116 harvester chia.plotting.plot_tools: ERROR    Failed to open file /media/hv1/plots00/plot-k32-2021-05-20-22-48-439806e660dbfd86fbe207452ac5b
11298c8d18e5530b4d206391855b1694b64.plot. badbit or failbit after reading size 4 at position 107565560671 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hv1/mining/chia-blockchain/chia/plotting/plot_tools.py", line 189, in process_file
    prover = DiskProver(str(filename))
RuntimeError: badbit or failbit after reading size 4 at position 107565560671

Anyone know if these are just bad plots? Or if there is something I can do…

In my experience if any of the chia tooling says the plot is bad… then it is bad. You can try a plot check if you like as well.

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This is the log of the plot check. I assume this WARNING is ok because this is just a harvester and not a farmer, right? Anyways, this was one of the plots that the log said was bad.

(venv) hv1@plotter02:~/mining/chia-blockchain$ chia plots check -n 30 -g plot-k32-2021-05-21-08-58-53e450b9d03cb05d282c919027687a2b4686cbe5a6a32a6dd17251419fe76a24.plot
2021-05-22T20:38:31.688  chia.plotting.check_plots        : INFO     Loading plots in config.yaml using plot_tools loading code

2021-05-22T20:38:31.711  chia.plotting.plot_tools         : INFO     Searching directories ['/home/hv1/mnt/plots00', '/home/hv1/mnt/plots01', '/home/hv1/mnt/plots02', '/home/hv1/mnt/plots03', '/home/hv1/mnt/plots04']
2021-05-22T20:38:31.719  chia.plotting.plot_tools         : INFO     Only loading plots that contain "plot-k32-2021-05-21-08-58-53e450b9d03cb05d282c919027687a2b4686cbe5a6a32a6dd17251419fe76a24.plot" in the file or directory name
2021-05-22T20:38:31.758  chia.plotting.plot_tools         : WARNING  Plot /home/hv1/mnt/plots00/plot-k32-2021-05-21-08-58-53e450b9d03cb05d282c919027687a2b4686cbe5a6a32a6dd17251419fe76a24.plot has a farmer public key that is not in the farmer's pk list.
2021-05-22T20:38:31.758  chia.plotting.plot_tools         : WARNING  Plot /home/hv1/mnt/plots00/plot-k32-2021-05-21-08-58-53e450b9d03cb05d282c919027687a2b4686cbe5a6a32a6dd17251419fe76a24.plot has a pool public key that is not in the farmer's pool pk list.
2021-05-22T20:38:31.764  chia.plotting.plot_tools         : INFO     Found plot /home/hv1/mnt/plots00/plot-k32-2021-05-21-08-58-53e450b9d03cb05d282c919027687a2b4686cbe5a6a32a6dd17251419fe76a24.plot of size 32
2021-05-22T20:38:31.776  chia.plotting.plot_tools         : INFO     Loaded a total of 1 plots of size 0.09902862581293448 TiB, in 0.08129620552062988 seconds
2021-05-22T20:38:31.776  chia.plotting.check_plots        : INFO
2021-05-22T20:38:31.776  chia.plotting.check_plots        : INFO
2021-05-22T20:38:31.776  chia.plotting.check_plots        : INFO     Starting to test each plot with 30 challenges each

2021-05-22T20:38:31.776  chia.plotting.check_plots        : INFO     Testing plot /home/hv1/mnt/plots00/plot-k32-2021-05-21-08-58-53e450b9d03cb05d282c919027687a2b4686cbe5a6a32a6dd17251419fe76a24.plot k=32
2021-05-22T20:38:31.782  chia.plotting.check_plots        : INFO        Pool public key: ...
2021-05-22T20:38:31.787  chia.plotting.check_plots        : INFO        Farmer public key: ...
2021-05-22T20:38:31.787  chia.plotting.check_plots        : INFO        Local sk: <PrivateKey ...>
2021-05-22T20:38:43.601  chia.plotting.check_plots        : INFO        Proofs 27 / 30, 0.9
2021-05-22T20:38:43.601  chia.plotting.check_plots        : INFO
2021-05-22T20:38:43.601  chia.plotting.check_plots        : INFO
2021-05-22T20:38:43.601  chia.plotting.check_plots        : INFO     Summary
2021-05-22T20:38:43.601  chia.plotting.check_plots        : INFO     Found 1 valid plots, total size 0.09903 TiB
2021-05-22T20:38:43.601  chia.plotting.check_plots        : INFO     1 plots of size 32
2021-05-22T20:38:43.601  chia.plotting.check_plots        : WARNING  There are 1 plots with a farmer or pool public key that is not on this machine. The farmer private key must be in the keychain in order to farm them, use 'chia keys' to transfer keys. The pool public keys must be in the config.yaml

Yep it all looks OK to me!

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I have the same error, too and I’d like to ask for a confirmation of my understanding of what happened in this thread:

  1. the error sound like the plot is bad
  2. check of the plot said it’s OK and you think it’s OK then

A question is: could this mean that 30 checks simply didn’t find an error, whereas that one particular “thing” did? (not really sure why this was in my error log)

I got this today when I had two concurrent chia plot check commands running with overlap in the -g option. I was going to reboot to recover, but the power went out anyway.

This error is popping up for me alot recently.
Did any if you figure out a solution?

I deleted the affected files, ran fine for a few days, now different plots are showing the error.
I dont think these are bad plots, but i/o errors while reading/ transferring the data.

Those are potential sources:

  • HD is starting to have bit-rot
  • memory is failing
  • a software update that is more stringent with checking the “old” plots

The last one is kind of tricky, as on one hand it should find all “bad” plots right after the update. However, maybe that check is done only when a plot finds a proof (most likely). Also, the fact that this error is there, but not when doing plot check may suggest that the code for the plot check was updated to handle those “old” plots, but the one that does proofs checking was not.

Maybe memory issue is the least likely, as that would potentially affect the box in a more dramatic way.

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Checked health of all my drives, one is having issues but this error is appearing at random ( seemingly ) over 30 disks.
I’ve never run plot checks so don’t think that’s it.

That leaves ram. I’ve plenty of other sticks, guess I’ll have to swap some out and see.