Harvester not working

I’ll check that now - I’m using Space pool…

I hope the drives aren’t disconnecting! I have them automounting in the fstab…

In Space pool, just switch to partials, and your you should see there “Stale Partials” entry. Also, in the chart below, your stales are in yellow (although, may be not visible, if it is just a small percentage of them).

You can also do

tail -F ~/.chia/mainnet/log/debug.log | grep -v '0 proofs' | egrep 'Submitting'

This will watch the log continously and output lines whenever a partial was submitted to Space Pool.
Some 10 minutes later it will show up in your Space Pool accounts page/partials tab.

Got some warnings (a lot actually)…
Looks like some borderline stale proofs… I may need to rethink running RPi as a full node despite my having tried to mitigate the slow SDHC by using a USB-based NVME wallet and DB drive…

2022-01-03T21:24:24.366 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: WARNING Block validation time: 3.19 seconds, pre_validation time: 0.53 seconds, cost: 1268455209, percent full: 11.531%
2022-01-03T21:24:39.872 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: WARNING Block validation time: 7.01 seconds, pre_validation time: 2.59 seconds, cost: None
2022-01-03T21:27:42.081 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: WARNING Block validation time: 3.11 seconds, pre_validation time: 3.09 seconds, cost: None
2022-01-03T21:29:59.166 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: WARNING Block validation time: 4.09 seconds, pre_validation time: 0.78 seconds, cost: 505511542, percent full: 4.596%
2022-01-03T21:33:55.985 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: WARNING Block validation time: 2.72 seconds, pre_validation time: 1.00 seconds, cost: 184132482, percent full: 1.674%
2022-01-03T21:40:09.135 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: WARNING Block validation time: 2.44 seconds, pre_validation time: 0.60 seconds, cost: 249448103, percent full: 2.268%
2022-01-03T21:42:14.374 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: WARNING Block validation time: 5.89 seconds, pre_validation time: 0.63 seconds, cost: 1077196295, percent full: 9.793%
2022-01-03T21:42:57.424 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: WARNING Block validation time: 3.73 seconds, pre_validation time: 0.60 seconds, cost: 706446315, percent full: 6.422%

I think Space pool is a bit delayed - no stats in partials yet…

What’s the percentage you see there? It should reflect the old stales as well. (If no old stales, maybe there is something else that prevents your farmer from submitting partials.)

So, looks like you had three problems.

  1. Your log level was not INFO (so ChiaDog was clueless),
  2. Your number of peers was too high (potentially your RPi got overwhelmed with time, and maybe that was contributing to long lookup times (100% stales) - not sure about that).
  3. Your drives may be going to sleep (I would watch for this one 24/7).

Looks like you are good to go.

I’m looking in the IOS app for space pool… picked my farm, then selected the Partials tab…

Space pool is reporting :
“We haven’t received an partials yet. Please check again later”.

The harvester started going funny before Christmas, so perhaps the data rolled over…

Around Christmas was another dust storm. With 80 peers, that could kill your node. Although, the farmer code still sends partials to the pool, even if it is over 5 secs. Your answer to #4 indicated that your harvester is working (or at least limping) today, so some stales rather should be there. For time being let’s assume that we didn’t see that.

As @xkredr59 stated, give it an hour or so, and those partials should start showing up. At the same time, run that tail on your log file.

Thanks everyone! I’m headed for bed with all the monitors running and a email alert for harvester errors.

I’ll see how it goes by tomorrow morning!


Hoping for the best of course but if still no partials send to and received by Space, please check your pool settings.

chia plotnft show

I looked back and think nothing discussed so far exludes the odd possibility that with all reinstalling and reconfiguring somehow the pool settings got messed up. So just to be sure;-)

Don’t copy output here! Just look for number of plots, current pool, difficulty, points balance, points found (24) and percect succesful.

I think you’re right. No activity overnight, so I’m guessing the plotnft is messed up. Possibly something with the wallet as well based on the error below.

I think I need to recreate the wallet, as when I do a ‘chia wallet show’, it’s only showing one wallet now, not two… How do I recreate the wallet?

(I cut out the private info…)

Wallet height: 1375053
Sync status: Synced
Wallet id 2:
Current state: FARMING_TO_POOL
Current state from block height: 1245989
Launcher ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Target address (not for plotting): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Number of plots: 274
Owner public key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Pool contract address (use ONLY for plotting - do not send money to this address): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Current pool URL: https://na1.pool.space
Relative lock height: 64 blocks
Exception from ‘wallet’ <bytes32: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Unclosed client session
client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0xffff81a35040>
Unclosed connector
connections: [’[(<aiohttp.client_proto.ResponseHandler object at 0xffff811da340>, 56802.108607453)]’]
connector: <aiohttp.connector.TCPConnector object at 0xffff81a352b0>

Also getting these errors…

(venv) chadmin@chadmin-desktop:~/.chia/mainnet/log$ grep ERROR debug.log
2022-01-03T18:12:56.776 full_node full_node_server : ERROR Exception: [Errno 110] Connection timed out with
2022-01-03T18:12:56.778 full_node full_node_server : ERROR Exception Stack: Traceback (most recent call last):
2022-01-03T19:11:02.457 full_node full_node_server : ERROR Exception: [Errno 110] Connection timed out with
2022-01-03T19:11:02.458 full_node full_node_server : ERROR Exception Stack: Traceback (most recent call last):
2022-01-03T21:13:56.391 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node : ERROR Loop exception in sync Was not able to add blocks 1372650-1372682. Traceback (most recent call last):

As far as I know stopping all processes (chia stop all -d), wait for them to actually stop a bit, check with htop for no more chia processes.
Then delete the wallet db contents (rm ~/.chia/mainnet/wallet/db/*) and restarting the client as usual will recreate and start processing the blockchain db into a synced wallet db.
This processing (asuming a synced node/blockchain) depending on cpu takes ~12 to 24 hours in my experience. At least not as much as a full blockchain sync.

If you still have your dual cpu plotting rig and have not removed the installation from there, maybe you can short-cut a bit and copy the …/wallet/db files from there to the RPi. This may shorten your resyncing the wallet by a lot if it wasn’t too long ago you switched over.

Ok, I finally got back to working on the Chia farm after my ASIC went funny.

I’ve deleted the wallet db folder and it’s resyncing now - after 6 hours, up to 1GB - this is going to take a while.

ok, almost 24h later, and the wallet is still syncing.

Some progress.

I started getting small XCH payments into my wallet on a rapid basis - probably things stuck on the chain.

Doing a chia wallet show now shows both wallets (personal and pool) and is showing a balance. It also shows the wallet not sync’d.

Checking the wallet db file size in a separate terminal window to make sure it is constantly updating and not stalling with a:
watch -d -n 10 ‘chia wallet show’
is really handy.

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Ok, just a heads up from my experience few days ago.
I’m thinking about moving my full node to another box, copied the blockchain db there and decided to let the wallet sync from scratch plowing through the -no problem- synced blockchain db
Using ubuntu 20.04 desktop with the Chia GUI the wallet sync stopped just a few blocks short of the actual blockchain height, stayed that way for hours so I gave up.
I quit the GUI (chia stop all -d in cli I think), gave it some time to really stop running processes, checked with htop they all had and waited for half an hour or so to give the actual blockchain height a little head start.
Then restarted the GUI (chia start fullnode in cli I think) and the blockchain started syncing up to the actual height, taking the wallet sync in it’s wake. This way the wallet synced all the way up to the actual height and hasn’t fallen out of sync since.
I observed this behaviour (not getting quite there on the first sync run) before so maybe good to know.

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Thanks for that. I had a few weird issues where I would start the full node, and it would say something like 123456/20000. So it took a while to get to 200000, but then would stop there. While it was syncing up to 200000, more block would come in, but the node wouldn’t try to pick them up past 200000.

I would have to restart the full node to pick up anything new since 200000. After three times this happened, it got caught up and stayed caught up.

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Are you at or around 200.000 by now? Long way to go then. Actual Height is somewhere 1.385.000 by now… That RPi is strugling then to work through the blockchain db.

My node is fully sync’d now. I was just using that as an example.

24h in for wallet sync, and while I can’t see how progress is, everyone is saying it should be around 8GB, - It’s currently 3.5GB

I am not sure, whether this is relevant, but there were few people on github having sync problems when upgrading from v1.2.6/7 to v1.2.11 (me included). It looks like for all of those people the fastest option was first to drop back to v1.2.6/7, then upgrade to v1.2.10, and finally upgrade to v1.2.11 (given a day or so to stabilize between v1.2.10 and v1.2.11). It looks like there are only three moving parts (dbs, config.yaml and .ciha_keys), but so far, no one could isolate the problem (once it was working, no one bothers to recreate this issue). Chia people are of no help, even though a couple of issues were marked as bugs.