Has anyone had success running a remote harvester?

I’ve only won 1 block this whole time, it was when I had something like 500 plots. :unamused:

plotting like crazy though, 5+ TB/day now.

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Confirmed remote harvesters working, I just won another block, and I only have remote harvesters.


Interesting I have been dry for almost 3 weeks as well. Statistically i should have hit blocks 4 times and 8 xch. I am starting to wonder if this is a common theme among several here that they are way above the avg for getting rewards? A growth of 100% per day I would understand skew the estimate too much but 8% growth per day should still net you a fairly accurate estimate.

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Probability works like that. The estimate for flipping a coin on heads is 2 flips, but you can flip tails 10x in a row…

My expected time to win was ~8 days this whole time, it took 15 instead. Could’ve been shorter, could’ve been much longer.

I know that quite well. However its different once a population starts to show a skew in the statistics contra individuals. Just asking if that is the case not saying it is. Could be many reasons as well, such as perhaps harder to read all plots correctly once you grow to a certain size etc. If there where many with such a pattern and we could find a commonality then you could understand more a problem. Or it could just be bad luck and confirmation bias that I have seen many posts like mine (granted only those not getting chia would fuss) and it probably is. But in the off chance there is something bad such as hpool managing to dominate the network (not only plots but network nodes) then it would be nice to know early.

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Hello farmerfm,

Sorry for rising this old thread but i have a question as i’m actually configuring harvester on my (two) nas (in docker environment) and have a full node on a windows computer.

This is for a fork of chia : chives but i guess the full node gui is similar to chia one.

I see in full node GUI that my harvesters seems to be active in my challenge windows :

|0x6bc79xx|2 / 2290|0|Dec 10, 9:29:40 PM|
|0x6bc79xx|0 / 121|0|Dec 10, 9:29:39 PM|
|0x6bc79xx|2 / 778|0|Dec 10, 9:29:40 PM|

But It seems in that GUI that only the full node plots count and plot size is listed : 2290 and 33Tb
I was expecting to have a grand total of node + harvesters.

Could you give any advise on that ? I’m actually checking if my farming will drop in the next day to have a clearer view of the situation as i’m not sure i did everything well …

Best regards,

I’m not familiar with the fork, but does it list your harvester’s plots if you run from the CLI:

chia farm summary

Within the info should be something like

Remote Harvester for IP: #.#.#.#
xxx plots of size: xxx TiB
Remote Harvester for IP: #.#.#.#
xxx plots of size: xxx TiB
Plot count for all harvesters: xxx
Total size of plots: xxx TiB

Hello Anders,

In fact this command does nothing under windows (i’m using chives.exe farm summary), when launching the full node, i have a gui that pop , i’ve not yet understood if they are several way to run the full node (I only see that chives.exe).

Anyway I sorted all my plot directory (now i have a fullnode running with only its local drive -and no longer network drives- with 2 harvester having also their local drive). around 300 plots on full node and 3000 on the 2 harvesters.

The response time is far better (i do not see anymore any stale share) and i can confirm there is no impact on my revenues so I believe the harvester are working fine (I also won 2 blocks this night while my win time is around 48 hours)

So it seems the only issue is that total plot size / total plots count / estimate time to win is not aggregating harvesters info. But the farming process is behaving fine.

I also saw i’m running a 1.1.906 chives and a new release is available 1.2.11 so i will try to upgrade and check if this display issue is solved.

Anyway if anyone is reading this thread, I could confirm that using harvester to prevent mapping drive on network is a really good feature.

Many thanks,

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