Has my farm been hacked? Or did I just not finish the block?

Greetings to all, today 20.02.2022 I found the proof but the reward did not come or came but not to my wallet. I use OG plots and mine in solo, but I send the reward to another cold wallet to the address xch1unuuvgxlmz6hm777shmz6wfj4dq9pqdwwnhcwchxar94ce2dpq5qjl5wqr, I decided to look at the LOG but I can not understand anything here:

2022-02-20T08:38:55.280 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: INFO 4 plots were eligible for farming 5d51cb7d69… Found 1 proofs. Time: 1.01327 s. Total 810 plots
2022-02-20T08:38:56.091 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO Added unfinished_block 64aad8c6f358854c8841121650f658202d277af80ea9dc74828da1dd8ccccf65, not farmed by us, SP: 62 farmer response time: 29.5254, Pool pk xch19qmg9zufx97u4hq3xwnyukzrvazvww7agz5nj93ju3cq4aqcuqusmjxr4e, validation time: 0.2740 seconds, pre_validation time 0.2284, cost: 4660218844, percent full: 42.366%
2022-02-20T08:38:56.094 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Starting to make block, max cost: 11000000000
2022-02-20T08:38:56.094 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 0, fee per cost: 0.00019003379180885946
2022-02-20T08:38:56.095 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 15786666, fee per cost: 5.171454586826182e-06
2022-02-20T08:38:56.095 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 26808710, fee per cost: 9.062858719276683e-07
2022-02-20T08:38:56.095 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 37842756, fee per cost: 9.062858719276683e-07
2022-02-20T08:38:56.096 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 48876802, fee per cost: 9.072727345309092e-08
2022-02-20T08:38:56.096 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 59898846, fee per cost: 9.072727345309092e-08
2022-02-20T08:38:56.097 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 70920890, fee per cost: 9.062858719276683e-08
2022-02-20T08:38:56.097 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 81954936, fee per cost: 9.062858719276683e-08
2022-02-20T08:38:56.098 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 92988982, fee per cost: 9.062858719276683e-08
2022-02-20T08:38:56.098 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 104023028, fee per cost: 5.807042769857197e-08
2022-02-20T08:38:56.099 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 121243497, fee per cost: 5.807042769857197e-08
2022-02-20T08:38:56.099 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 138463966, fee per cost: 5.807042769857197e-08
2022-02-20T08:38:56.100 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 155684435, fee per cost: 5.807042769857197e-08
2022-02-20T08:38:56.100 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 172904904, fee per cost: 5.807042769857197e-08
2022-02-20T08:38:56.100 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 190125373, fee per cost: 0.0
2022-02-20T08:38:56.101 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 2100625317, fee per cost: 0.0
2022-02-20T08:38:56.101 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 3818548061, fee per cost: 0.0
2022-02-20T08:38:56.101 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost: 5414930905, fee per cost: 0.0
2022-02-20T08:38:56.102 full_node chia.full_node.mempool_manager: INFO Cumulative cost of block (real cost should be less) 5414930905. Proportion full: 0.4922664459090909
2022-02-20T08:38:56.102 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO Add rem: 2269 34
2022-02-20T08:38:56.103 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO Using previous generator for height CompressorArg(block_height=1584104, generator=SerializedProgram(ff01ffffffa0a2f09606c0529c7a8c824ad441ab80dceb9a…many_letters_and numbers…4a9f751594708cb048c6ddf6a0967347a6ed93607e54487d333867dd9b9ccaeaa4657117ff018080ff8200a2ffff80ffff01ffff3dffa0de3db58b002fef0cce505a4f3d4c672e4800a4fb015d0135293f636eb43b79388080ff8080808080), start=2850, end=3088)
2022-02-20T08:38:56.149 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO Starting to make the unfinished block
2022-02-20T08:38:56.265 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO Made the unfinished block
2022-02-20T08:38:56.295 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO Added unfinished_block 6c29c0605656672e40746a824a7396cb40e5573be847483620db10a468dc0272, not farmed by us, SP: 1 farmer response time: 1.7322, Pool pk xch1jp6frj3ecddur7dxak3n7lq0j75ltquh2zyd44epdu0d6704y2hqyky5hf, validation time: 0.0221 seconds, pre_validation time 0.0100, cost: 16964376, percent full: 0.154%
2022-02-20T08:38:56.315 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO Added unfinished_block bc3294f40c15a3a8375612a9fb32e7535010d998679575593453a66101538509, not farmed by us, SP: 1 farmer response time: 1.7322, Pool pk xch1jp6frj3ecddur7dxak3n7lq0j75ltquh2zyd44epdu0d6704y2hqyky5hf, validation time: 0.0201 seconds, pre_validation time 0.0100, cost: 16964376, percent full: 0.154%
2022-02-20T08:38:56.697 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO Farmed unfinished_block 2a7c2d68b257c8e465eb88bc416c6995ef95f11296f2f785809b8a2094bfb3cc, SP: 1, validation time: 0.1103 seconds, pre_validation time 0.2617, cost: 5339889194
2022-02-20T08:39:02.737 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO Finished signage point 2/64: CC: 96ff9e94223edffffa2873b2db4810ddbcfb3521c60187d882c3e5dc9f63b29f RC: 78bed653def5150ca1bfa8dd586c61a65cf559d88e518975d84a88c0b7381f1b

Please help me understand this.

You won the block at height 1584104

looking in the explorer:

you can see the reward went to address xch17dlw8mg7kg9arscg5vedaemkyuej69zk4ax37glmhweqncz42znqte3w2a. That address contains indeed 2XCH + a bunch of 1 mojo spam.
Is that address yours?

This block is dated Feb-18-2022 21:31:39 PM, the proof found is dated 2022-02-20T08:38:55.280?

INFO Using previous generator for height CompressorArg(block_height=1584104

Ok I guess that this is not the actual height of the block, so all we know is that his block was made at
2022-02-20T08:38:56.265, now I don’t find a tool to check wich block was found at a specific date/time.

Sorry friends, I live in Ukraine in the Kherson city, today 02/24/2022 the Russians hit the my city with cruise missiles, so I can’t answer in time.

No, my wallet is xch1unuuvgxlmz6hm777shmz6wfj4dq9pqdwwnhcwchxar94ce2dpq5qjl5wqr I mine here, if I really caught a block, then I have a trojan and the reward went to the hacker, since I used to catch blocks and the reward came.

Hi Grimzaz,

My prayers and thoughts go out to you and your country. :ukraine:
Please try to stay safe and healthy my friend!


On your farm page, click on the 3 dots top right and check where your rewards are being sent to:-

Manage Farming Rewards.

I am writing this post because I want to finish all the unfinished business, although now mining is absolutely unimportant to me. I have checked the system and the antivirus does not find the trojan.

huntingground, I already gave you a screenshot, the mining address in the Chia wallet itself is correct this is xch1unuuvgxlmz6hm777shmz6wfj4dq9pqdwwnhcwchxar94ce2dpq5qjl5wqr. Now I will leave you the full LOG and maybe you will figure out how the hacker took my reward, look in the LOG for the text “Found 1 proofs” LOG is here:


The config.yaml file is fine too:


whosrdaddy, for 3 days a real hell has been raging in my hometown of Kherson, for 3 days without a break there have been fierce battles on the outskirts of the city, there are a lot of dead civilians, all because russian cruise missiles and artillery fire very inaccurately, constantly hitting high-rise buildings and residential areas, many corpses of women and children. All men go to the army, although I am not a military man, but a simple electronics-engineer, I also signed up as a volunteer and tomorrow I am going to the front line. My life has lost its meaning, I just want to kill as many russians as possible and nothing else. I wish you never get into a situation in which I found myself, goodbye friends!