Hello can you help me?
I have a 12 core ryxen 5 3600 (12 core) and n.2 HD 1TB nvme with 32 GB RAM.
Can you send me a good swar config file?
Thanks a lot!
You can only plot 3 at once in parallel. This is if you still want to use your computer while plotting.
3 plots, parallel
21min stagger
mem 3906
thread 2
Your issue is the CPU, you simply don’t have enough threads.
Now if your using it just for farming you might want something like this.
4 plots, parallel
21min stagger
mem 3906
threads 2
Per 1TB drive 3 concurrent , with 4 max start early
I would also use 4 threads.
2-3 phase 1 max(depending if using pc for other things, phase one uses most cpu so 2 if using for other tasks simultaneously)
50-60 min stagger
yep, i am using almost the same for max concurrent and early
threads: 6
buckets: 128
memory_buffer: 4608
max_concurrent: 4
max_concurrent_with_start_early: 4
stagger_minutes: 60
max_for_phase_1: 2