How can I pass a chia database from one computer to another?

Hello, I had previously saved the .chia folder where the database is located and at the time of transferring it to the folders of another pc I had my program updated again, this time I did it again since I had to update the windows but when Bringing me the backup of CHIA stays loading and never shows me if it is synchronized or not, does the version of chia also influence? or there is an easier way to export the sync data.

Did you stop the chia client when you copied the ~/.chia directory from the source machine?

Of course, I stopped all processes before doing the database copy

I would advise just copy the database file in .chia/mannet/db

If you copy the whole directory you copy the config as well and that might give trouble when moved to a different system

I had to start synchronizing from 0 I did not find another solution, I will try next time. even though I also did that test and it keeps giving me the same problem