How does plot buying work


I’m new to Chia and see people selling plots online.

How do they change the pool data in the plot file so I can add it to my farm?

I see the sellers ask for a public farm and plot keys but I don’t see in the documentation what commands they run to then convert the plot to my farm.

Does anyone know what commands need to be run (Windows environment)?

Thanks :pray:

When we create plots for customers we create them with the public farmer and pool key of the customer

Like here explained CLI Commands Reference · Chia-Network/chia-blockchain Wiki · GitHub


Thanks for the reply, That make sense now

Yes , if you want to try have first plot free… no payments required , remember to always and only use you public keys not the others which must remain always secrets as the name suggest

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Thanks, i’ll check it out!

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Or Community Plotting as a Service 1+€/Plot (Pool Compatible) (directly to S3/Wasabi,Samba/CIFS,RSYNC), or as Download(rsync,ftp,sftp,scp,...) - #10 by MisterOutofTime
It’s never above 2€ unless u really want to fulfill a special edge case

U may got some plots free to :slight_smile:

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