How to determine PLOTs which newer passed FILTER, can I only farm or need to PLOT/REPLOT all time?


In august WIN 2XCH with 18TB after one month farming now with 28TB after 3 months nothing. I can see that some PLOTs pass filter all time so hope farming is working.

I have total space 28TB, can I only FARM or should I rePLOT existing PLOTs all time?
Is there any way to create statistics how many time whitch PLOT pass filter. I am running on linux.

If I wanted to move that 2XCH to my other system there are fees? Or if I send 2 then I will receive 2 on my other system?

Thank you,

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The GUI will give you an estimate on how long it might take, on average, for you to win, based on your number of plots and the overall number of plots in the wild (Total Network Space).

Or, you can run:
$ chia farm summary
The above will give you an average expected time to win.

Frankly, with 28 TB of plots, you will probably not win for decades, if ever.
Back in August, you had better odds, based on the the Total Network Space at that time (which was probably far, far lower than today).

Even so, I think you were lucky to win with 18 TB of plots (you need a few hundred TB of plots these days, and even then it will probably take a month (if you are lucky) or much longer to win.

As to re-plotting:
It is my understanding that no single plot has any advantage or disadvantage over any other plot (assuming the same “K” size plots are being used).

A plot that won has an equal chance of winning (again) vs any other plots.
(someone please correct me if I am mistaken)

As to moving your 2 XCH to your other system:
If your other system is synced, and you are signed in with the same wallet, then you should see your 2 XCH on the other system.

If your other system is using a different wallet, then you would have to transfer your XCH to the other wallet’s address. I cannot advise you any further, because I have not done that. But looking at the GUI, it looks straightforward to send XCH to any wallet’s address.

Others could advise you on transaction fees. I think that you can avoid them, at the cost of it taking more time for your transfer to be recorded and completed. But I am not really sure about this.

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Replotting won’t help, K32 will be around for a while and the team has stated that advanced notice will go out if K33 or even K34 becomes the new minimum.

The lack of earnings is unfortunately due to the explosive growth of the network. You will most likely be better off joining a pool to get a more consistent payout or dramatically increase your plotted storage size to increase your percentages of winning a block solo.

Thank you for reply.

So if I have now all k32 replloting is not needed just FARM and wait :sunglasses: When will be k33 or k34 minimum then I should replot all k32 to k33 yes?

If I can seen that some plots pass filter it means farming is working and I need to wait and hope for lucky.

Thank you

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A plot only passes filter once every 512 tries on average.
It’s not a problem with the plots, it’s a feature of chia.

Just carry on farming.

With your no of plots, I’d join a pool, but that is your decision to make.

It will probably be 5+ years before k32 plots are retired.

If you would feel more comfortable with k33 plots, there is no harm in re-plotting.

Just understand that since k33 plots are approximately double the size of k32 plots, you will have room on your hard drives for roughly ½ as many plots, and therefore ½ as many plots will pass the filter.

On the up side, each k33 plot that passes the filter will have roughly twice the chances of winning vs a k32 plot that passes the filter.

To me, it is 6 on one hand, and ½ dozen on the other hand. It all evens out in the end between k32 and k33 plot sizes. But the k33 plots will out-live the k32 plots – although that is a long ways off.

All true and sound advice above!

Plots passed filter is just a build-in reduction factor in chia to keep system and network load in bounds.
Plots are totally random bit-patterns and the filter applied forces a 1 in 512 reduction on the number of challenges that really are looked up on the hard disks. And then you have to be very, very, very,… and so on lucky to find a full proof and get the block-reward of 2 XCH.
When joining a Pool it is not a full proof that is looked for, but a so called partial, for which you only have to be just very lucky.

No need to replot, you’ll just get another totally random bit pattern with exactly the same chances of passing filter and finding a proof or partial.

Joining a Pool might be wise, you need NFT plots for that and can’t use old style OG plots so maybe you’ll have to replot some there.
When joined with a pool you’ll get feedback from most pools (on a website or app) of partials received which is a very good indicator of things working ok.
You can also open a terminal window and give a tail command to watch found partial in the log files (have to set the log-level to INFO for that in config.yaml).

tail -F ~/.chia/mainnet/log/debug.log | grep -v '0 proofs' | egrep '(proofs|partial)'

will continuously print out found partials and lookup times on the console (terminal window).

eligible means plots passed filter, so 5 plots passed filter as below and one of those found a partial proof. A little luckier for this challenge than my 1747 plots would have as average over longer time… 1747/512 so 3.4 plots eligible per challenge (every ~9 seconds) on average over longer time.

2021-12-05T15:13:26.952 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: INFO     5 plots were eligible for farming 73bf903e82... Found 1 proofs. Time: 0.60610 s. Total 1747 plots
2021-12-05T15:13:26.990 farmer chia.farmer.farmer         : INFO     Submitting partial for 09361088ad1a4de4059xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to

On the issue of sending 2 XCH from system A to system B consider this.
If both A and B share the same 24 word mnemonic they share the same wallet.
A chia wallet has one private key (coupled to the 24 word mnemonic) but can have (and will use) many receive addresses (public keys).
So even if the receive address on system A is different from the receive address on system B (see Wallet section of GUI) all inbound transactions will be accumulated in the same wallet on A and B.
So no need to do a transaction from A to B then, just sync B’s wallet and it will show up.

If A and B have different 24 word mnemonics/wallets then you can sync wallet on A, do a transaction from A to receive address B and find it there after syncing wallet B.
Also possibly some delay if zero (0) fees were used for the transaction.
To get higher priority you will need to use minimum fee of 0.00005, fees below that mininum are treated as zero and have default priority.

I would go for zero fees and give it a little more time, usually still very quick.
If not sure you can do a 0.01 XCH transaction first and check how long it takes to land in the B wallet.
To check this easily you can enter the B receive address used in, use search section under blockchain explorer. Don’t have to sync wallet B for this, it will show up in chiaexplorer a soon as the transaction is on the blockchain. If chiaexplorer does not show an amount the transaction is still pending.

Careful, prevent overtyping addresses, chia GUI has copy txt buttons on those receive addresses.

Thank you for explanation.

I have two systems {physical servers}. One is working 4 months and I was “lucky” and won 2XCH. Now I am building second server. Right now both will be on different network and provider.

Is better to have on both same wallet and different public key or is better to have on both different wallet? If I will move second one to the same location as is first one => to same network, subnet from same provider can both farm?

Thank you

I would not farm two machines at the same site/subnet/provider, things will get messy for sure.
My perception is you started with chia on a more moderate system and have recently acquired a serious workhorse for plotting and farming.
While both machines are on separate locations/subnets/providers they are independent full nodes/farmers just using the same wallet.
Using the same 24 word mnemonics/wallets for them is ok then.

Don’t know when you want to bring both systems to the same location but in that config I would run one as a full-node/farmer/wallet and one as a harvester only (if you want/need to have two systems running to accomodate all your hdd’s). So you would only need one wallet/mnemonics.
Harvester-only is a lightweight protocol you can run on bare metal but also docker container.

Maybe if you can give some more details about you systems and the timing for bringing them under one roof I can be more specific on my idea’s for such a setup.

Hi @xkredr59 ,

Can I share you info about HW details. locations and reasons reallocate some how privately?

Thank you,


Yes, i think when you click the purple/gray X next to xkredr59 you can sent a private message.
I’ll try one in your direction, never used it before :grinning:

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