Hpool Competition

I am wondering what is to become of the farming if we have to compete with government sponsored pooling(if you think it isn’t you are fooling yourself). I have been on the chia sub on reddit, and came across this thread. Look at the picture at the top of the thread. if they own over 30% of the netspace, it will make it very tough for small farms to have a real chance to even develop chia. I would suggest that people go to the chia sub and start poking around on the hpool topic. It would be a waste of a lot of people’s time and $$ if this was over before it really even started.

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Well, you’re always welcome to join them if you want. Of course, they’ll charge a ridiculously high fee and will possess your private keys, but if you’re OK with that, then by all means, go for it!

Otherwise, just keep plotting for now. Pools are coming soon. Plots that will eventually be valid in pools are coming even sooner.

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