I am seeking a script

Got it, but it seems this adds a lot of overhead for network shares. Unless something is configured wrong in my environment.

For example with the /z option transfers seem to be about 5-10 meg, with out it they top out around 160 meg.

In this case I’d opt to just restart any failed copies, but I’m curious if this is inherit with SMB shares.

It’s robocopy fault for being slowed down using that switch. I don’t use the /z and it speeds it up.

I just, twice, copied a plot via robocopy.
First, without /z.
Then, again, with /z.

My speed remained the same.

Is your destination a local drive, or a network share?

Perhaps that might matter, compared to a network drive? Is that where you are heading with your next reply?

Not really, I already mentioned this was not a local copy, and network shares.