I found the best Chia mining pool

Hello everyone, I just found a new pool that looks very trustworthy to me, its called Vinlex Pool it is listed on all of the chia pool lists, I started mining 8 days ago with 521 and so far I received 0.98152 XCH from the pool, it seems to be very consistent with the rewards and I wanted to share it with everyone, I hope it becomes the next Hpool because I can tell you it is much better, the dashboard is amazing and the website design is perfect. I will provide a link to join their discord if you want to join the pool, do mind it is still in beta, they are paying 0.7-06 XCH per PB.

Here is the link to join: Discord


How can they pay much more than what you should be getting?

Sounds very worrying to me

they said they use a formula to make small and big farmers receive a fair share.

hey u using the same name as the pool dev? sooo u don´t find it, u promote ur pool eh?


Red flags all over the place here, I will stay clear

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Lol you won a block and you got all the rewards in the pool? $426.92 = 2xch?? Who you fooling?

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when u win a block they give you 1 and they take the other

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Its a midas machine…more XCH comes out than goes in through a better payout scheme :smiley:

Worth a laugh…just like when PPS PPS+ PPLNS etc pools advertise that their system results in higher income.

They take the other 1? Not distributed to the pool? What a way to make money… good idea haha

no they take it and distrubte it

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So everyone that didn’t win shares 1 xch instead if 1.75? Tell me again how this is going to pay better?


:triangular_flag_on_post:Red :triangular_flag_on_post: flags :triangular_flag_on_post:everywhere :triangular_flag_on_post:



Lol. Most. Important part is that the website is perfect. :ok_hand:

hahaha i’ll be impressed if someone fall for this.