Is there any way to sync wallet faster? like same as node full sync by downloading DB?

is there any way to sync wallet faster? like same as node full sync by downloading DB?

wallet db is your personal db, so unfortunately there is no way to get it downloaded (unless you keep backups).

However, as your wallet is connected locally to your farmer (that owns blockchain db), the wallet rebuilding process should be really fast, but somehow this task is botched.

Use a more powerful device for your full node. You can start farming using flexfarmer if you’re waiting on the syncing to farm.

Yes. Use the light wallet instead on separate machine or vm

Interesting. What do you mean by ‘botched’? Could you share a bit of your experience?

Poor inefficient programming basically, means it takes far longer than it should.

Your wallet has a local connection to the full node (so not limited by your Internet / WiFi / Ethernet). Thus, can read the local blockchain db with the media speed it is located on. Assuming that it would read with that speed, and needs to do some processing, it has access to all cores on your box to process that data. You basically don’t see neither much uptick in the read access of your media, nor in your cores usage. Since we don’t see such upticks, we could assume that the db is synced from the blockchain instead. Sure, if that is the case, your box has access to 80 peers (by default); therefore, we should see a massive uptick in Up/Down (Down part) of some nodes, but again, we fail to see it. So, whatever we try to assume can be done is not really happening. An eye-opening thing for me was reading updates during the dust storm, and post mortem report (as far as what was though / fixed).

Sure, you can argue that for security it is better to sync your wallet from the blockchain, not from your local db (as it may be poisoned). However, that is your local db (so some trust needs to be there, otherwise the whole process doesn’t make sense), and in order to start building that wallet db, you need to provide mnemonics / fingerprint. Therefore, it is hard to poison your local blockchain db a priori, not knowing mnemonics / fingerprint that will be used, thus making the poisoning process rather impossible. Of course, assuming that you can somehow predict mnemonics / fingerprint, you don’t really care about poisoning blockchain db, as you can do whatever you want, as you have the full access.

Also, the wallet db is your “personal” wallet - i.e., derived from your mnemonics / fingerprint. As such, we can assume that only related info is in that db. I don’t quite understand why in such case that db is basically a quarter of the full blockchain db, or whether being that size, if it gives much advantage over the wallet working directly with the blockchain db.

Lastly, take a look how long it takes for other blockchains to sync. Chia is more or less the outlier here.

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Use the chia light wallet on a different computer. It can do everything the full node version can and syncs in minutes.

Chia now has an official DB download,

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