Is your plotting hanging randomly on Linux? Then read this

I’m using the classic “chia plots create”, but also tried “chia plotters chiapos” (available in 1.2.11) and same results with the SWAP mem leak. I have not tried the new build-in MadMax (available in 1.2.11) as I’ve always ran a standalone build of MadMax on this PC with Pop!_OS/Ubuntu 21.04 without any problems. As for the buffers (-b) I’ve allocated way more than should be needed (46000MiB) when using 64 buckets and I did this because I’ve noticed that some steps allocate only half of that so wanted to be on the safe side. Buffer allocation does not appear to be a problem as I do get an out of mem error if I set this too low from my testing. With the above buffers+buckets and SWAP turned off the plotting of a K34 completes without a problem. I should mention that I assign 6 threads (-r) to the plotter which appear to be only used when writing to the tmp storage while reading is using only 1 regardless of how many threads you assign. You can confirm this by monitoring the plotter threads in htop by adding the IO_READ_RATE & IO_WRITE_RATE columns. You may be correct and this may be unique to Ubuntu 21.04 “better” mem management, usually I try to stick with LTS release but because I wanted to use this machine for gaming as well I went with the cutting edge version. I will try reverting Chia to previous version to see if I hit the same problem as I did come across at least one other forum thread mentioning some plotting issues in 1.2.11.

If anyone is interested in manually tweaking buffers & buckets during plotting I found this very informative article a while back which explains everything very well.