Joined flexpool, cant find myself on their dashboard

Hello fellow farmers! Question I joined Flexpool last night, fallowed their website instructions. I however have 2 possible stumbling blocks. I was on Chia 1.2.0 last night, and just installed 1.2.2 no changes to below issues(on Windows)

First issue: when following the join pool instructions on their website I do not have a “Payout address” below my Launcher Id. It looks like that is just your typical “Recieve address” like I used long time ago for a Chia faucet. No problem…looked it up.

Second Issue: I have tried copy/paste my public/farmer public and Pool public and my recieve address all into their search on their website…it can’t find me. So I am not confident I am actually participating in the pool, despite my newly plotted plots starting to pile up with my flexpool pool key.

Any suggestions what to try next? @Chris22 might know more.

Skip to 4:30 and 6:25

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ya, but I don’t get the payout address under Launcher ID

In gui if I go under farm tab, click gear icon, my farmer and pool reward address show up. I copy paste into your site like 6:25 and…not found

confirmed running “chia plotnft show” is the same as my gear icon output.
Also copy and pasting into your website doesn’t find me. Been plotting since last night, so I should be in system.

Start → Run → Powershell

cd \users\USER\appdata\local\chia-blockchain\app-X.Y.Z\resources\app.asar.unpacked\daemon

.\chia.exe plotnft show

Look for “Payout instructions (pool will pay to this address)”

The gui generally doesn’t show payout address, its coming in the next update though likely next week Wednesday.

Ya… Did that… Not found in your search

I dont think I pasted wrong addresses into my command line /madmax. But will double check tonight after supper.

I think I did the “launcher id” as that is the only address in the pool section.

having the exact same issue. says I have 9999 points to. runing latest ubuntu. an the latest chia…
launcher 1 time link doesnt work.
nor searching manually.

is not the launcher id what you need

Ya if I remember correctly madmax complained about it, and I had to dig out my pool address in wallet

Ya I also have that… So technically im up to 3 issues

9999 points is fine we use pplns not the points system so they don’t go down.
But you need to use payout address for your worker page. I posted the youtube video that has the instructions and the cmd to type in to get it. I’ll post it again below:

Start → Run → Powershell

cd \users\USER\appdata\local\chia-blockchain\app-X.Y.Z\resources\app.asar.unpacked\daemon

.\chia.exe plotnft show

Look for “Payout instructions (pool will pay to this address)”

The gui generally doesn’t show payout address, its coming in the next update though likely next week Wednesday.

I just confirmed what address is in my Madmax config. It is the “Pool Public key” address not the “Farmer reward address” / “Pool Reward Address”. Found by selecting Keys, then clicking on the eyeball icon.

Is that the correct to use Pool Public Key in MadMax?

I think I used the wrong address after some Youtube vids of pools+madmax.

For those that don’t see this basically hidden value:

  1. navigate to your pool overview and hover mouse over the the “?” circle.

or navigate Chris22 stated in Powershell as above and get your “P2 Singleton address”

How this is so hidden…I don’t know what Developers were thinking.

Screenshot 2021-07-15 210053

Found my mistake …I hope. I only had -p and -f in Madmax. I was missing the -c which is the P2 Singleton or “?” symbol pop-up.

EDIT: DON"T include -p now for pool protocol plots. Just use -c and -f now.

Same for me . Changed to flexpool. One day passed. Still it says “Specified address was not found in our system. Try waiting some time if you are already mining.” I deleted the flexpool and changed to spacepool.!!

I believe the gui build next week will show your payout address until then you usually need to use the cli to find it.

everything looks fine to me, just the pool gives me:
worker offline?
but the points are correct…?

Unfortunately for small farm sizes you don’t submit partials every 20 minutes so we think your offline at times, it doesn’t affect income, get bigger!

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i have just a look and it shows online,
yes, will get much bigger, also with some k33

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