K35 repeated plot creation failure

i fill my 18TB HDDs with 38 x K34 and 2 x K33 then the Drives has only 9GB - 10GB left, so u use 99.95% of the space.


Yes, that is what I do.
And often, after having ā€œ38ā€ K34 plots on one of my 18 TB drives, I end up 1 GB shy of fitting plot number ā€œ39ā€.

Sometimes I start to shuffle plots around, to fit K34 number ā€œ39ā€.

I copy the largest K34 files off of the drive to other drives that have a few GB of space, and take from those other drives their smallest K34 files (this involves a 3rd, intermediary, drive to hold the plots being transferred).

Each swapping of K34 plots results in saving 100 MB to, perhaps, 300 MB.
After several K34 plot swaps, number ā€œ39ā€ fits on my 18 TB drive, leaving approximately 100 MB of free space.

I swore off trying to ā€˜swap & fitā€™ plot files after an initial frustrating attempt after making a bunch of K33, and some K34 plots. Why? I did a little calculation. I have 42 drives. If each one had 100GB of free space (hint: they donā€™t - the space varies from 100GB to a couple GBs), then I could reclaim 42x 100GB or 4.2tb of space, roughly enough for 40 odd k32 plots.

The hassle is that to move the current plots somewhere, plot better fitting k33, k34, k35, files, or move them from some other drive where they already live - is a royal PITA at 125-250MB/sec.

Then I could by a 4TB HD for what? Maybe $45-70 even new ! If I was really impoverished, that might dissuade me from buyingā€¦ but Iā€™m not. Or I could sell a 12GB and by a 16-18GB for about the same difference.

Although juggling plot files of various Kā€™s is certainly an altruistic endeavor that I give heartfelt kudos to those that can suffer doing the work, it just doesnā€™t make a lot of sense as far as I can calculate.


Agree, that looks like an OCD forced type work.

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No bad feeling behind that, as it is coming from my personal experience with OCD. :slight_smile:

By the way, if we assume that plot density is constant, sure you are adding extra hashes by closing those gaps.

On the other hand, those smaller plots most likely imply that they have less hashes, but most likely the same header/table structure. Therefore, those plots have a bit lower hash density. So, when you pack more of those smaller plots to fit all the available space, you may not be gaining any extra hashes.

So, this is another argument for ā€œplot the HDā€ rather than ā€œmake one plotā€ plotter option.

Sounds like you might want to try PlotFS. It is beta software, but today it does work and uses FUSE to implement a filesystem consisting of many drives combined together into a single FS. If you lose a drive, you only lose the plots that were on that drive, and 1 or 2 plots that may have occupied the start and/or end of that drive.

Might be worth a look if youā€™re trying to minimize unused space.


I only have 40.9gb free on a 18tb drive with 165 plots
yea wish we could add up some spaces.

To put that in a perspective. Chiaā€™s white paper advertises farming as kind of a hobby that can utilize overprovisioned HD space. That implies normal boxes that have 1-2 TB free space. With ā€œmake one fixed plot at a timeā€ what is the overhead for such farm?

In the beginning I was keeping a spare plot of space on each drive, then folks talked about load those drives up to endā€¦ Will see what a 20TB disk will do when the price comes down to beer levelā€¦

I think loading to max disk space will cause problems down the roadā€¦
possibly with partitions if there are any, I think the probability would be higher for disk failure if u utilized 99.99% drive.
Iā€™m only speaking from my experience tho.

Iv had multiple drive failures now on drives and somehow squeezed an extra plot on.

A reformat brings the drive back to life.

Thatā€™s dedication, Iā€™ve got an average of 3.46GB free space using K32 and K33, K34 just takes so much more time to plot. Moving plots around also takes so much time.

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Why is it very hard to create high k values AT THE MOMENT??
Why at the moment?
I was creating K34 Plots all the time without any problems.
Since 1 week ago i run into problems, the k34 Plot Creation stops at around 50-60% and wont continue.
k33 runs without any problems.
I really dont know why.
Can you please explain to me what you mean with creating high k value plots AT THE MOMENT is difficult??
Thanks! =)

why not use mhddfsā€¦ adds up all the space togetherā€¦

I have many diskā€¦ all mounted to their own folders in fstab and my mhddfs fstab entry looks as so

mhddfs#/path/to/dir1,/path/to/dir2 /mnt/point fuse defaults 0 0

combines all them disk spaces. no problem. fuse.