Looking to buy hard disks in AU / NZ

I’m looking for a few hard disks to build a NAS. I assume old Chia farming drives should be OK for this. I’m thinking about a RAID-Z1 with 4 drives. Or maybe more if the price is right.

Must be willing to ship to NZ (would consider another country too but would some sort of escrow or ebay maybe)

What capacity drives are your seeking?

Given ZFS needs quite a few drives for parity/performance, probably 5TB-10TB drives. But open to ideas (bigger is always better!). I don’t have all that much data to store in my NAS. Obviously I prefer they are all the same spec.

If you go with 12TB drives, these are available, with a 2-year warranty, for $74.99 USD. That’s $6.25 per TB.

The above is the lowest cost per TB on their site, and the five-drive total (less shipping and taxes) is $374.95.

If you are not committed to a RAID-Z1 solution, you could mirror two 16TB drives at a cost of $129.99, each, for a total of $259.98, from here (also a 2-year warranty):

The cost per TB would be higher, and the performance of a traditional RAID 1 will be less than a RAID-Z1. But it would cost $114.97 less.

Both are the same company that ships from Florida, USA.
They are reputable, and easy to contact.

But the overseas shipping costs might be prohibitive.
I live in New Jersey, USA, and they ship for free to my destination.

eBay is another option, if you can find enough low-priced drives+shipping for your location. Or someone selling their farm, local to you, might chime in with an offer.

Just thought that I would present the Florida company’s offerings, as it would be hassle-free, with a good base price, and your RAID would consist of the same model drives (if that matters).

They have drives with other capacities. But I focused on the above based on what you are seeking

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