No partials in debug log, no pool plots in GUI

Hmmm, that says to me that the plots you’ve created don’t belong to an NFT but might be OG plots. It could be a bug in the UI, user error, or something else. I’m not sure.

When you run chia plots check do the plots have a Pool key or does it show up as none?


Also, when you create plots, in the section ‘Join a pool’ are you sure that a pool was selected and you didn’t select ‘None’ by mistake?



The pool Plot NFT is always selected when I set up the plots. It has never been set to None. Still Pool public key: None is the result of chia plots check. Proofs are being found in the check. This thread attempted to figure out if None was ok back when I had 3 plots but there was no real solution.

Running chia plots check -g nameofplot results in:

Loaded a total of 0 plots of size 0.0 TiB, in 0.053002357482910156 seconds
Found 0 valid plots, total size 0.00000 TiB

This might be a clue…

Yup. Im at a loss. The plots appear in your plots check, but dont appear in your nft. My guess is theres a bug in the GUI and the plots arent being made with the correct NFT information i.e bad plots.

I would try and remake a plot using another method like the command line with ‘chia plots create’ (or use madmax) using the pool contract key. Then add the plot and directory (you might want to keep it separate from your other plots) to chia and see if they appear in your pooled plots.

OK, great advice. I added some extra info in my comment above about running chia plots check -g nameofplot (spoiler there’s 0)

This says to me the plots couldnt be found in the directories listed in ‘chia plots show’.

Run chia plots show and see if the directories appear there. I mean they should, especially of chia plots check is returning 18 plots…

I wonder if there is a bug where on windows its messing up the directory paths because of the ‘\’ vs ‘/’. Anyone on windows have this problem?

A Windows bug makes a lot of sense.

Using chia plots show the correct directories appear as X:\ with no plots listed
Using chia plots check the directories are listed as Searching directories ['X:\\']

chia plots show would just list the directories to search for plots in.

Now thats interesting… Why would there be an extra slash? Or is that just a typo or escape character gone wrong?

Have you tried putting a plot or two into a sub-directory and adding that to chia with ‘add directory’ (or you could use chia plots add -d <directory path>).

Then check you logs to see where its searching.

Also, i thought you plots were in the P:\ and F:\ directories? Where did the X:\ directory come from? Oh is X a stand in?

Test directory shows in chia plots show, and all plots including the one in test sub show up using chia plots check. Is it possible it’s a sharing/permissions issue on my drives?

Ended up saving my db and wallet folders and completely deleting and reinstalling Chia. The plots have all been recognized and are farming as part of my pool now.

The Fix:

  • shut down Chia and all related processes
  • copy wallet and db folders from .chia to desktop
  • delete mainnet folder
  • reinstall Chia
  • copy db and wallet into .chia/mainnet while Chia is not running
  • restart Chia
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Well im glad you got it sorted. Nuking the chia directory and reinstalling didnt even cross my mind.

I’ll add reference this thread if i see anyone else with similar problems. :+1:

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