Noob here, debug log questions

I had some issues setting up my one server as a harvester only but I do believe I finally got it. I was doing some reading about time out errors on plots causing your chance to win to go down so I decided to check my debug log and found a lot of warnings or failures. Not quite sure if these are something I should worry about or what. Its pretty late so here it is, I’m gonna get some sleep. These are just a few warnings or errors.

2021-04-25T10:44:59.476 full_node chia.rpc.rpc_server     : WARNING  Cannot connect to daemon at ws://localhost:55400
2021-04-25T13:48:39.668 wallet wallet_server              : ERROR    Exception:  <class 'concurrent.futures._base.CancelledError'>, closing connection {'host': '', 'port': 8444}. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chia\server\", line 521, in api_call
  File "asyncio\", line 435, in wait_for

2021-04-25T13:48:41.216 full_node full_node_server        : ERROR    Exception:  <class 'concurrent.futures._base.CancelledError'>, closing connection None. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chia\server\", line 521, in api_call
  File "asyncio\", line 435, in wait_for

2021-04-25T16:25:35.626 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Cannot write to closing transport
2021-04-25T17:11:45.547 full_node full_node_server        : ERROR    Exception: Failed to fetch block 185503 from {'host': '', 'port': 8444}, timed out, {'host': '', 'port': 8444}. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chia\server\", line 511, in wrapped_coroutine
  File "chia\full_node\", line 100, in new_peak
  File "chia\full_node\", line 358, in new_peak
  File "chia\full_node\", line 307, in short_sync_backtrack
  File "chia\full_node\", line 292, in short_sync_backtrack
ValueError: Failed to fetch block 185503 from {'host': '', 'port': 8444}, timed out

2021-04-25T17:11:45.559 full_node full_node_server        : ERROR    Exception: Failed to fetch block 185503 from {'host': '', 'port': 8444}, timed out <class 'ValueError'>, closing connection {'host': '', 'port': 8444}. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chia\server\", line 521, in api_call
  File "asyncio\", line 442, in wait_for
  File "chia\server\", line 518, in wrapped_coroutine
  File "chia\server\", line 511, in wrapped_coroutine
  File "chia\full_node\", line 100, in new_peak
  File "chia\full_node\", line 358, in new_peak
  File "chia\full_node\", line 307, in short_sync_backtrack
  File "chia\full_node\", line 292, in short_sync_backtrack
ValueError: Failed to fetch block 185503 from {'host': '', 'port': 8444}, timed out

2021-04-25T17:11:45.792 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Banning for 10 seconds
2021-04-25T17:11:45.796 full_node asyncio                 : ERROR    Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished coro=<ChiaServer.incoming_api_task.<locals>.api_call() done, defined at chia\server\> exception=CancelledError()>
2021-04-25T19:05:15.232 full_node full_node_server        : ERROR    Exception:  <class 'concurrent.futures._base.CancelledError'>, closing connection None. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chia\server\", line 482, in api_call
  File "chia\server\", line 139, in update_peer_timestamp_on_message
  File "chia\server\", line 655, in connect
  File "asyncio\", line 92, in __aenter__
  File "asyncio\", line 192, in acquire

I came here to ask exactly the same question.

On @codinghorror 's recommendation I had a look in the log file and found all of these “failed to fetch block” messages.

Following to see if anyone knows the answer!

Is there any documentation expanding on the meaning and significance of the error messages/codes? I assume the number after the date/time is an error code. It would be good to have a list of them with brief explanations, and recommended actions (if any).

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chiadog will automatically process your logs and alert on error.

Those sounds like background noise

I feel like I’m not actually farming since it can’t connect to the server from the errors in the log. My log is nothing but that error. It’s every minute.

I really don’t know what it is me my warning is sometimes:

full_node full_node_server : WARNING Cannot write to closing transport

I’m having the same inssue. do you learn what to do?

What is the fix for this?