NoSSD Chia Pool, +30% reward with new compressed plots, fast plotting without SSD

I do have some spare TRS-80 Model 1’s I could try it on.

I would second that.

This is what we need to hear tonight!!!
Sam Cooke - Another Saturday Night (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

The art work and the timing of it was truly professional.
Combined with that amazing song, makes it all the more special.

Unofficial pools were “scams”, which I actually eventually joined and made my first couple Chia there before official pools came out. Fast plotters were “scams”, that turned out to be awesome. I don’t know what this is, but you I’d like to see the results of some tests.

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well yes but in crypto it’s not just “buyer beware” but also “seller beware”.

If you want people to say nicer things you need to say the right things yourself to start with.

I don’t think the comparison between Madmax or things like Hpool really work.
Max had points A, B, C, D, E and F right → opensource. He also had a verifiable track record on github.
Hpool was an established name, at least in China.
The only reason Flexpool gets away with using closed source is because they are an established name.

In this case we have:

  • New account, new domain
  • No community connection, no history, no track record of any kind
  • Bold claims about something the creator of Chia has said is not really possible
  • Closed source with an auto-update feature
  • Not using “Chia lingo”
  • Saying things about the other plotters that are clearly wrong.

From what I gather from the info on the website this is a Hpool style central node. Furthermore I do not see any mention of mnemonics nor does there seem to be the option to add a farmer public key to the plots. This would imply you can only ever use these plots on this client and not on the regular Chia client.

Plot compression:
The plots might not actually be smaller. At first a plot file is generated and it says you can already use this file to mine with, it’s just bigger than the final version. This file is then compressed and decompressed on the fly when the client needs to access it for lookups. Compression levels therefor depend on your systems ability to decompress fast enough to keep the lookup under 4 sec.

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@Voodoo one of our developers @iliasorazov actually left some traces in the chia-blockchain github repository, he only opened two issues and made few other comments though… You get it right, some calculations are postponed to the moment when you need to query proof, those calculations aren’t heavy and only have to be done occasionally but the client program shall do it fast or it will miss the block. This is why we run benchmark on start and print statistics. Our compressed plot format is very distinct and no other Chia software can read it.

This makes more sense now. Interesting…but…

We have opened an official docker repository

Now you can run our pool client in docker isolated environment. Safe and easy.

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ok don´ t let us talk about if this is a scam or not.

ok u guys dont want publish the source code. u want make money with this, thats ok for me. nobody is here to give away money, but u go a way to far with this.
from all clients and pools even this without open source u can switch to a other if there is a problem. if someone take part of ur he is hardly dependent from ur client and ur pool if only one got a problem all ur 130% reward goes to 0% reward without any chance to to do something agains this.
and if i think about how many months it will take to replot lage farms this is a 100% no go for me.

if this is not a scam u have my biggest respect for the work and i hope this will get a way in the offical chia clints&pools.

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Going to correct my earlier statement. Still think this isn’t real but it’s possibly doable. No one has said they are farming on this pool and it works yet though.

Plus all the worker names are xx_xx like “tired_karen” and often have miner in them which is unlikely for chia farmers plus last I checked only flexfarmer supports setting worker names.

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@Chris22 those funny worker names like “tired_karen” and “angry_miner” are auto generated. Users can change worker name using the -w client option, so we have this feature too. The full list of options and detailed description of features can be found here

Ah then my apologies

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EDIT: This message was written two days ago, but published only now, John already explained most of this in his messages.

Plot size was improved many times since Chia release. Plots are not actually a random data and our method is not a generic compression algorithm that can be used for true random data. It utilize dependencies in plots internal structure.

A year ago we started developing a pool for Chia. Originally, we only planned to get rid of SSD requirement and make HDD-only plotting the main feature of this pool, but then the developer, who worked on plotting algorithm, came up with some ideas how to greatly improve plot size. Those ideas went through multiple stages of development to achieve this result.

We spent a lot of time on other aspects of this pool too, making the program multi-platform, fast, reliable and resistant to attacks. And now we are proud to present this pool, and, please, do not make such an accusations too early.

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Asked someone who knows what he’s doing to look at this. To quote:

their web page is very strange, it’s loading the data dynamically via javascript, but from static JSON files…

Aka they aren’t loading from an actual database of chia farmers this is very likely a scam. Don’t touch this with a 10 foot pole.

@Chris22 what farmers DB are you talking about? We are running a centralized server with node and DB on it. Do you want me to show you the code of our backend? We are using Python, a good old webpy framework and this is a fragment of its code:

urls = (
    '/address/(.*).json', 'address',
    '/blocks.json', 'blocks',
    '/miners.json', 'miners',
    '/payments.json', 'payments',
    '/address-payments/(.*).json', 'address_payments',
    '/stat.json', 'stat',
     '/(.*)', 'static'


class payments:
    def GET(self):
        cur = paymentsdb.cursor()

        total = cur.fetchone()


        last = []
        for row in cur.fetchall():
                "timestamp": row["time"],
                "amount": row["amount"] / mojo_per_chia,
                "address": bech32m.encode_puzzle_hash(row["wallet_bytes"], "xch"),
                "coin": row["coin"]

        ret = json.dumps({
            "total": (total["total"] or 0) / mojo_per_chia,
            "fee": 0.5,
            "treshold": 0.02,
            "table": last
        return ret

Now you know how those JSON “files” are formed dynamically to serve requests. We are also using Cloudflare CDN for caching and DDoS protection.

How long will you be coming here with false accusations scaring users? Just try our client already. Make a plot and join our pool.

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Was just about to say - just because they are ‘static’ json files does not mean they can’t be dynamically created;

The Jury is still out for me - but let’s see what happens. We don’t want another SWAPNEX… :grin:

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I guess, you had peeked at their back end code and have seen how those JSON files are prepared.

Rather a BS conclusion drawn based on a different approach to populate page data. (I am not saying that this is any better or worse, but you have no data to draw that BS conclusion.)

I guess, you need to expand your list of people that really “know what they are doing”.

Again, I am not trying to say that this is a legit site or not, just commenting on that BS statement.

Thank you @DanRelfe you beat me to reply to that nonsense.

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Good try Chris, but not today :slight_smile:

... "HTTP/1.1 GET /source" - 404 Not Found
... "HTTP/1.1 GET /src" - 404 Not Found

You’d be surprise how often it works… :smiley: