Plot Manager won't start second job

Hello everyone. I have set up 2 jobs in my plot manager and the other job won’t start. below my settings, please tell me what I am doing wrong. Let me just add that the second job will be on the hdd drive and I want it to remain on the same drive.

  - name: Plotowanie
    max_plots: 82
    temporary_directory: /media/mali/chia_2/chia
    destination_directory: /media/mali/chia_10_1/chia
    size: 32
    bitfield: true
    threads: 4
    buckets: 128
    memory_buffer: 6750
    max_concurrent: 7
    max_concurrent_with_start_early: 7
    initial_delay_minutes: 0
    stagger_minutes: 0
    max_for_phase_1: 7
    concurrency_start_early_phase: 7
    concurrency_start_early_phase_delay: 0
    temporary2_destination_sync: false
    exclude_final_directory: false
    skip_full_destinations: true
    unix_process_priority: -10
    windows_process_priority: 32
    enable_cpu_affinity: false
    cpu_affinity: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
  - name: hddploter
    max_plots: 88
    temporary_directory: /media/mali/chia_10_2/chia
    destination_directory: /media/mali/chia_10_2/chia
    size: 32
    bitfield: true
    threads: 4 
    buckets: 128
    memory_buffer: 6750
    max_concurrent: 10
    max_concurrent_with_start_early: 10
    initial_delay_minutes: 0
    stagger_minutes: 0
    max_for_phase_1: 10
    concurrency_start_early_phase: 10
    concurrency_start_early_phase_delay: 0
    temporary2_destination_sync: false
    exclude_final_directory: true
    skip_full_destinations: true
    unix_process_priority: -10
    windows_process_priority: 32
    enable_cpu_affinity: false
    cpu_affinity: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]

First things first, check the global settings

ok but which one?

# This is a single variable that should contain the location of your chia executable file. This is the blockchain executable.
  # These are the config settings that will only be used by the plot manager.
  # check_interval: The number of seconds to wait before checking to see if a new job should start.
  #      log_level: Keep this on ERROR to only record when there are errors. Change this to INFO in order to see more
  #                 detailed logging. Warning: INFO will write a lot of information.
  check_interval: 30
  log_level: INFO

  # folder_path: This is the folder where your log files for plots will be saved.
  folder_path: /home/mali/Pulpit/Chia-ploter-Logs

  # These are the settings that will be used by the view.
  #            check_interval: The number of seconds to wait before updating the view.
  #           datetime_format: The datetime format that you want displayed in the view. See here
  #                            for formatting:
  # include_seconds_for_phase: This dictates whether seconds are included in the phase times.
  #        include_drive_info: This dictates whether the drive information will be showed.
  #               include_cpu: This dictates whether the CPU information will be showed.
  #               include_ram: This dictates whether the RAM information will be showed.
  #        include_plot_stats: This dictates whether the plot stats will be showed.
  check_interval: 20
  datetime_format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
  include_seconds_for_phase: true
  include_drive_info: true
  include_cpu: true
  include_ram: true
  include_plot_stats: true

  # These are different settings in order to notified when the plot manager starts and when a plot has been completed.

  notify_discord: false

  notify_ifttt: false

  notify_sound: false
  song: audio.mp3

  notify_pushover: false
  pushover_user_key: xx
  pushover_api_key: xx
  notify_telegram: false
  telegram_token: xxxxx

  notify_twilio: false
  twilio_account_sid: xxxxx
  twilio_auth_token: xxxxx
  twilio_from_phone: +1234657890
  twilio_to_phone: +1234657890

  # This setting is here in case you wanted to enable instrumentation using Prometheus.
  prometheus_enabled: false
  prometheus_port: 9090

  # phase_line_end: These are the settings that will be used to dictate when a phase ends in the progress bar. It is
  #                 supposed to reflect the line at which the phase will end so the progress calculations can use that
  #                 information with the existing log file to calculate a progress percent.
  #   phase_weight: These are the weight to assign to each phase in the progress calculations. Typically, Phase 1 and 3
  #                 are the longest phases so they will hold more weight than the others.
  phase1_line_end: 801
  phase2_line_end: 834
  phase3_line_end: 2474
  phase4_line_end: 2620
  phase1_weight: 43.15
  phase2_weight: 15.9
  phase3_weight: 38.72
  phase4_weight: 2.23

  # These are the settings that will be used globally by the plot manager.
  # max_concurrent: The maximum number of plots that your system can run. The manager will not kick off more than this
  #                 number of plots total over time.
  # max_for_phase_1: The maximum number of plots that your system can run in phase 1.
  # minimum_minutes_between_jobs: The minimum number of minutes before starting a new plotting job, this prevents
  #                               multiple jobs from starting at the exact same time. This will alleviate congestion
  #                               on destination drive. Set to 0 to disable.
  max_concurrent: 7
  max_for_phase_1: 6
  minimum_minutes_between_jobs: 0

  # These are the settings that will be used by each job. Please note you can have multiple jobs and each job should be
  # in YAML format in order for it to be interpreted correctly. Almost all the values here will be passed into the
  # Chia executable file.
  # Check for more details on the Chia CLI here
  # name: This is the name that you want to give to the job.
  # max_plots: This is the maximum number of jobs to make in one run of the manager. Any restarts to manager will reset
  #            this variable. It is only here to help with short term plotting.
  # [OPTIONAL] farmer_public_key: Your farmer public key. If none is provided, it will not pass in this variable to the
  #                               chia executable which results in your default keys being used. This is only needed if
  #                               you have chia set up on a machine that does not have your credentials.
  # [OPTIONAL] pool_public_key: Your pool public key. Same information as the above.
  # temporary_directory: Can be a single value or a list of values. This is where the plotting will take place. If you
  #                      provide a list, it will cycle through each drive one by one.
  # [OPTIONAL] temporary2_directory: Can be a single value or a list of values. This is an optional parameter to use in
  #                                  case you want to use the temporary2 directory functionality of Chia plotting.
  # destination_directory: Can be a single value or a list of values. This is the final directory where the plot will be
  #                        transferred once it is completed. If you provide a list, it will cycle through each drive
  #                        one by one.
  # size: This refers to the k size of the plot. You would type in something like 32, 33, 34, 35... in here.
  # bitfield: This refers to whether you want to use bitfield or not in your plotting. Typically, you want to keep
  #           this as true.
  # threads: This is the number of threads that will be assigned to the plotter. Only phase 1 uses more than 1 thread.
  # buckets: The number of buckets to use. The default provided by Chia is 128.
  # memory_buffer: The amount of memory you want to allocate to the process.
  # max_concurrent: The maximum number of plots to have for this job at any given time.
  # max_concurrent_with_start_early: The maximum number of plots to have for this job at any given time including
  #                                  phases that started early.
  # initial_delay_minutes: This is the initial delay that is used when initiate the first job. It is only ever
  #                        considered once. If you restart manager, it will still adhere to this value.
  # stagger_minutes: The amount of minutes to wait before the next plot for this job can get kicked off. You can even set this to
  #                  zero if you want your plots to get kicked off immediately when the concurrent limits allow for it.
  # max_for_phase_1: The maximum number of plots on phase 1 for this job.
  # concurrency_start_early_phase: The phase in which you want to start a plot early. It is recommended to use 4 for
  #                                this field.
  # concurrency_start_early_phase_delay: The maximum number of minutes to wait before a new plot gets kicked off when
  #                                      the start early phase has been detected.
  # temporary2_destination_sync: This field will always submit the destination directory as the temporary2 directory.
  #                              These two directories will be in sync so that they will always be submitted as the
  #                              same value.
  # exclude_final_directory: Whether to skip adding `destination_directory` to harvester for farming
  # skip_full_destinations: When this is enabled it will calculate the sizes of all running plots and the future plot
  #                         to determine if there is enough space left on the drive to start a job. If there is not,
  #                         it will skip the destination and move onto the next one. Once all are full, it will
  #                         disable the job.
  # unix_process_priority: UNIX Only. This is the priority that plots will be given when they are spawned. UNIX values
  #                        must be between -20 and 19. The higher the value, the lower the priority of the process.
  # windows_process_priority: Windows Only. This is the priority that plots will be given when they are spawned.
  #                           Windows values vary and should be set to one of the following values:
  #                             - 16384 (BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS)
  #                             - 32    (NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS)
  #                             - 32768 (ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS)
  #                             - 128   (HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS)
  #                             - 256   (REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS)
  # enable_cpu_affinity: Enable or disable cpu affinity for plot processes. Systems that plot and harvest may see
  #                      improved harvester or node performance when excluding one or two threads for plotting process.
  #        cpu_affinity: List of cpu (or threads) to allocate for plot processes. The default example assumes you have
  #                      a hyper-threaded 4 core CPU (8 logical cores). This config will restrict plot processes to use
  #                      logical cores 0-5, leaving logical cores 6 and 7 for other processes (6 restricted, 2 free).
  - name: Plotowanie
    max_plots: 82
    temporary_directory: /media/mali/chia_2/chia
    destination_directory: /media/mali/chia_10_1/chia
    size: 32
    bitfield: true
    threads: 4
    buckets: 128
    memory_buffer: 6750
    max_concurrent: 7
    max_concurrent_with_start_early: 7
    initial_delay_minutes: 0
    stagger_minutes: 0
    max_for_phase_1: 7
    concurrency_start_early_phase: 7
    concurrency_start_early_phase_delay: 0
    temporary2_destination_sync: false
    exclude_final_directory: false
    skip_full_destinations: true
    unix_process_priority: -10
    windows_process_priority: 32
    enable_cpu_affinity: false
    cpu_affinity: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
  - name: hddploter
    max_plots: 88
    temporary_directory: /media/mali/chia_10_2/chia
    destination_directory: /media/mali/chia_10_2/chia
    size: 32
    bitfield: true
    threads: 4 
    buckets: 128
    memory_buffer: 6750
    max_concurrent: 10
    max_concurrent_with_start_early: 10
    initial_delay_minutes: 0
    stagger_minutes: 0
    max_for_phase_1: 10
    concurrency_start_early_phase: 10
    concurrency_start_early_phase_delay: 0
    temporary2_destination_sync: false
    exclude_final_directory: true
    skip_full_destinations: true
    unix_process_priority: -10
    windows_process_priority: 32
    enable_cpu_affinity: false
    cpu_affinity: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]

These ones, but i guess they are ok

Dunno more people seem to have these issues, there’s few more topics around about this, maybe there’s an answer there somewhere

ok it help! i change this value to more and now is good i have 2 jobs the same time. thank U very much!!

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ah yes I see now, because you had 7 + 7 plots starting at the same time. :+1:

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You need to post code as formatted code. Use the toolbar button to format your posts.

“Concurrently start early phase: 10”. Should be phase 3 or 4…not phase 10

Same thing applies for the 7 on first job… Phase 4 is default

Its asking for phase #. Not number of plots