Plotter will be forced to stop

I am writing this using a translating machine.

PVE : 6.3-6
OS : 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)
Plotter: madMAx43v3r/chia-plotter

I’ve been running Plotter on Ubuntu built on Proxmox, but it keeps forcing me to stop.

root@Chia-Plotter:~/chia-plotter# ./build/chia_plot -n -1 -r 24 -u 128 -t 't/mount/Chia-Tmp-1/' -2 '/mount/Chia-Tmp-2/' -d '/mount/Chia-Plots-1/' -p key -f key
Multi-threaded pipelined Chia k32 plotter - 4846d0c
Final Directory: /root/mount/Chia-Plots-1/
Number of Plots: infinite
Crafting plot 1 out of -1
Process ID: 1095
Number of Threads: 24
Number of Buckets: 2^7 (128)
Pool Public Key:   key
Farmer Public Key: key
Working Directory:   /mount/Chia-Tmp-1/
Working Directory 2: /mount/Chia-Tmp-2/
Plot Name: plot-k32-2021-06-15-17-39-5c28c77a165903c60f098cebed070a2308fe0773ec00344bff2197a20249d8ac
[P1] Table 1 took 114.7 sec

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