Plotting on Windows with MadMax? I made a tool to pause/resume plotting

I made a simple Windows tool to pause and resume the MadMax chia plotter in Windows. It’s fully open-source, but I’ve also released a pre-compiled EXE file for ease of use.

Download the EXE file from the release link above, and run it. The tool starts a system tray icon (image: a plot). Simply right-click on the icon in the system tray and click “Pause” to pause all running MadMax instances, or “Resume” to resume those instances (after you’ve already paused them).

This is my first open source project, so feel free to give any feedback! Hopefully this tool is as useful for others as it has been for me.

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A new version (v1.1) has been released! v1.1 has the added feature of allowing users to select a CPU Priority from the menu in order to make allow other programs to run alongside Mad Max better, or to increase Mad Max’s “greediness” of CPU time.

Looking forward to any feedback anyone is willing to provide! v1.1 release.

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Interesting :slight_smile: and moreso if I was still plotting. Nice work anyway!

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Nice, that’s a great start!

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