Problem transferring certs to new daemon/node/farmer host

I’m doing something that’s probably unconventional but I’m trying to get my node and farmer on the cloud, and just have my local PCs with the hard drives be just harvesters to these remote nodes. Right now, my main PC is my full_node + farmer with currently 3 harvesters, but that will soon be around 8 harvesters.

I’m trying to set my remote node machine as the node, farmer, and daemon (to run remote gui from). Because of this, I transferred my those certs from my current main machine to the server but the services fail start with these certs. I really would like my instances to be pretty portable so that if I move them around I don’t have to re-sign certs for the harvesters, but right now it’s proving impossible for me.

I’m guessing these certs are tied to something in the machine or the local chia installation that causes it to fail at startup, but I don’t really get any useful info in the logs other than it fails to start. Maybe if I set logs to DEBUG it might help? I’ve only ran them at INFO up until now.

If I just do the farmer cert, it fails to connect to node

2021-06-07T23:09:02.767 farmer farmer_server              : INFO     Connected with full_node {'host': '', 'port': 8444}
2021-06-07T23:09:05.204 farmer farmer_server              : INFO     Connection closed:, node id: fa70ad89d4466ae78ccece41afc54b842c8798258f2fcfbe765f8c2f4dfaaa2b
2021-06-07T23:09:05.205 farmer chia.farmer.farmer         : INFO     peer disconnected {'host': '', 'port': 8444}
2021-06-07T23:09:05.771 farmer farmer                     : INFO     Reconnecting to peer {'host': '', 'port': 8444}
2021-06-07T23:09:05.791 farmer farmer_server              : INFO     Connected with full_node {'host': '', 'port': 8444}
2021-06-07T23:09:08.461 farmer farmer_server              : INFO     Connection closed:, node id: fa70ad89d4466ae78ccece41afc54b842c8798258f2fcfbe765f8c2f4dfaaa2b
2021-06-07T23:09:08.462 farmer chia.farmer.farmer         : INFO     peer disconnected {'host': '', 'port': 8444}
2021-06-07T23:09:08.797 farmer farmer                     : INFO     Reconnecting to peer {'host': '', 'port': 8444}
2021-06-07T23:09:08.809 farmer farmer_server              : INFO     Connected with full_node {'host': '', 'port': 8444}
2021-06-07T23:09:11.879 farmer farmer_server              : INFO     Connection closed:, node id: fa70ad89d4466ae78ccece41afc54b842c8798258f2fcfbe765f8c2f4dfaaa2b
2021-06-07T23:09:11.880 farmer chia.farmer.farmer         : INFO     peer disconnected {'host': '', 'port': 8444}

If I change the daemon cert, it just never boots.

(venv) ~/chia-blockchain$ chia start farmer
Daemon not started yet
Starting daemon
Daemon not started yet
Failed to create the chia daemon

More details:
Current Node+Farmer:

  • OS: Windows 10 Pro
  • Chia Version 1.1.6

Cloud Node+Farmer

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Chia Version 1.1.6

Wondering if anyone here has tried something similar before, orcan help me debug this to figure out how to make this portable or figure out if it’s pretty much impossible to do without making a lot of low level changes to the system.

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Some extra info:
I tried to get my CA from my main computer into my cloud node, and after doing chia init -c <ca_directory> with my CA from my current node+farmer, daemon would not start up at all again. Doing chia init -c <original_ca_directory_backed_up> gets me up and running again.

Finally figured it out. I have to take my original CA from what I’m calling my current node+farmer and send it to the new cloud node+farmer. After I do that, I have to stop everything and run chia init -c. The problem I was having was that the chia daemon was not getting stopped, and so it couldn’t start up. The old daemon still had the old cert and so I couldn’t connect to it either.

To fix it I did ps aux | grep chia_daemon and found the process ID for id. A quick kill -9 <pid> cleaned it up. After this, I could start my farmer again, and my old harvesters could connect to it with no issue.

You saved my life! Thanks!