Protip: check your debug.log regularly

It comes from the logs of your full node / main harvester.

You have to change the level to INFO to see all the interesting details though.


Hi guys!
Iā€™m farming since 3 weeks, I have above 100 plots and no win ( ok it happens :)), but i Have something like that in my logs (look below), should I worry?


2021-04-29T15:08:52.134 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Banning for 10 seconds
2021-04-29T15:08:52.134 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Invalid handshake with peer. Maybe the peer is running old software.
2021-04-29T16:10:12.866 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Banning for 10 seconds
2021-04-29T16:10:12.866 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Invalid handshake with peer. Maybe the peer is running old software.
2021-04-29T16:25:20.512 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Banning for 10 seconds
2021-04-29T16:25:20.512 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Invalid handshake with peer. Maybe the peer is running old software.
2021-04-29T16:38:31.296 full_node full_node_server        : ERROR    Exception Was not able to get peername from <function WSChiaConnection.__getattr__.<locals>.invoke at 0x000001466C3A69D8> at, exception Stack: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chia\server\", line 243, in incoming_connection
  File "chia\server\", line 59, in __init__
ValueError: Was not able to get peername from <function WSChiaConnection.__getattr__.<locals>.invoke at 0x000001466C3A69D8> at

2021-04-29T17:29:31.976 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Banning for 10 seconds
2021-04-29T17:29:31.976 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Invalid handshake with peer. Maybe the peer is running old software.
2021-04-29T17:32:21.416 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Banning for 10 seconds
2021-04-29T17:32:21.432 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Invalid handshake with peer. Maybe the peer is running old software.
2021-04-29T17:33:07.755 full_node full_node_server        : ERROR    Exception Was not able to get peername from <function WSChiaConnection.__getattr__.<locals>.invoke at 0x000001466BF23AF8> at, exception Stack: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chia\server\", line 243, in incoming_connection
  File "chia\server\", line 59, in __init__
ValueError: Was not able to get peername from <function WSChiaConnection.__getattr__.<locals>.invoke at 0x000001466BF23AF8> at

2021-04-29T17:33:14.127 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Banning for 10 seconds
2021-04-29T17:33:14.127 full_node full_node_server        : WARNING  Invalid handshake with peer. Maybe the peer is running old software.
2021-04-29T17:36:19.383 full_node full_node_server        : ERROR    Exception: Failed to fetch block 204762 from {'host': '', 'port': 8444}, timed out, {'host': '', 'port': 8444}. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chia\server\", line 511, in wrapped_coroutine
  File "chia\full_node\", line 100, in new_peak
  File "chia\full_node\", line 358, in new_peak
  File "chia\full_node\", line 307, in short_sync_backtrack
  File "chia\full_node\", line 292, in short_sync_backtrack
ValueError: Failed to fetch block 204762 from {'host': '', 'port': 8444}, timed out
1 Like

How can I check plot pass time? Any Commands please share.

If you have it set to INFO you get to see the proof challenges!

2021-05-09T01:15:04.423 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: INFO 0 plots were eligible for farming a64c9b1656... Found 0 proofs. Time: 0.00046 s. Total 1 plots

If you have ā€œgrepā€ available on your machine itā€™s easy to remove all ā€œINFOā€ entries like so:

grep -v INFO debug.log

The ā€œ-vā€ on grep says: ā€œshow me all lines that DONā€™T have the word INFO in them.ā€

Since chia requires ā€œgitā€ in the first place, even on windows this means you probably have ā€œgit bashā€ which means you have ā€œgrepā€. :slight_smile: Just make sure to examine debug.log using ā€œbashā€ instead of ā€œcmdā€.

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You donā€™t need grep, thereā€™s an equivalent in PowerShell; hereā€™s how to list all eligibility checks so I can scan the harvester times

select-string -path "*.log*" -pattern "eligible" >eligible.txt

1 Like

Iā€™ve never used PowerShell, but from a quick google search looks like ā€œ-notMatchā€ would achieve what I described (trim out all INFO lines to see if any serious problems or warning are occurring):

select-string -path "*.log*" -notMatch "INFO"

But I donā€™t have a windows environment handy to test thisā€¦ this is pure speculation based on documentation on my part.

1 Like

Is there a way to do this in bash on my mac as I donā€™t have Powershell?


Well yeah youā€™d use the standard Linux way grep wouldnā€™t you, since Mac is basically Unix?

My log folder is empty!

Where can i find my logs?

I donā€™t know, that looks like the correct path. Is it under a different user? Because ~/ means current user, that may not be where it isā€¦

When I set the server up, I entered a single user account, which is what I SSH in with. Itā€™s also what I installed chia with and where I plot.

Im a quick learner but am fairly new to Unix still. I can see my plotter plotting when I SSH in and recal the screen. Iā€™m lost. Can you tell?

Do you have your log level set to INFO and did you restart the Chia software after changing the log level?

That is the default location for your logs although you can check the config file to make sure. Any chance you installed as a different user?

1 Like

I have a lot of these in the log:

WARNING: Wasn't able to add transaction with id
Consensus error 124, not disconnecting

Please donā€™t post pictures of console output. Google canā€™t index those and nobody can search for them. Try searching for those phrases here in the forum; there are already topics for them.

TL;DR I think thatā€™s related to the negative amount bug they fixed in earlier versions, but searching is key and will give you the answers you require.

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Sorry about that, what I learned from the web is that nothing needs to be done about itā€¦just ignore itā€¦

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Iā€™ve just checked config.yaml and logging was set to WARNING but the location was correct.


Iā€™ve just changed the level to INFO.

Can i list the users on the server. As far as I am aware thereā€™s only one user, and maybe root but I only setup one password when I installed it.



On Linux, the software doesnā€™t seem to pickup the log level change until it is restarted.

It sounds like youā€™ve done everything under one user account so my question about having switched users shouldnā€™t be an issue.

I didnā€™t need to recycle the server, theres now a log file and it has ALOT of info in it. Ive set this back to WARNING at the moment and will check it again in a while. What would you normally set your logfile to be?

I DIDNā€™T see any lines starting Farming plot plot-0-30.xxxxx.dat of size 30

My blockchain is still syncing, is that normal?

A post was split to a new topic: What do pre validate transaction and add_spendbundle mean in the logs?

I read most the comments here but I donā€™t understand what I am seeing in my logs

2021-05-19T12:31:23.132 full_node full_node_server        : INFO     <- new_compact_vdf from peer 16cd7b0a3dec4648927d93588daa408c55667e10929d47aef72c719119a053f6
2021-05-19T12:31:23.159 harvester chia.plotting.plot_tools: INFO     Not checking subdirectory E:\System Volume Information, subdirectories not added by default
2021-05-19T12:31:23.160 harvester chia.plotting.plot_tools: INFO     Not checking subdirectory G:\$RECYCLE.BIN, subdirectories not added by default
2021-05-19T12:31:23.162 harvester chia.plotting.plot_tools: INFO     Not checking subdirectory G:\System Volume Information, subdirectories not added by default
2021-05-19T12:31:23.198 harvester chia.plotting.plot_tools: INFO     Loaded a total of 42 plots of size 4.157430211775136 TiB, in 0.09208321571350098 seconds

2021-05-19T12:31:23.199 harvester harvester_server        : INFO     <- new_signage_point_harvester from peer fba31c2491be6288eaa41fe2aac5193723f2b8588c0e80a894ad423a429004b0
2021-05-19T12:31:23.200 harvester harvester_server        : INFO     <- new_signage_point_harvester from peer fba31c2491be6288eaa41fe2aac5193723f2b8588c0e80a894ad423a429004b0
2021-05-19T12:31:23.201 harvester harvester_server        : INFO     <- new_signage_point_harvester from peer fba31c2491be6288eaa41fe2aac5193723f2b8588c0e80a894ad423a429004b0
2021-05-19T12:31:23.204 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: INFO     0 plots were eligible for farming aea0b9b0ac... Found 0 proofs. Time: 0.00300 s. Total 42 plots
2021-05-19T12:31:23.208 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: INFO     0 plots were eligible for farming aea0b9b0ac... Found 0 proofs. Time: 0.00300 s. Total 42 plots
2021-05-19T12:31:23.212 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: INFO     0 plots were eligible for farming aea0b9b0ac... Found 0 proofs. Time: 0.00300 s. Total 42 plots