Question about my setup

Lol. It definitely did happen to me too almost as I was writing my post! Lol. Back to back wins too! I’m gonna start whining here daily!!! You guys have that to look forward to now!

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It’s Chia’s Farmer Retention mechanism: It monitors signs that a farmer is about to bail on the network, which triggers a block reward to keep them farming for another few months :grin:

Kind of reminds me of the infamous Taper Tantrum game between Wall Street and the Fed: Stock and bond markets throw a fit whenever Fed signals a reduction in their free money I/V to the banks – after which Fed invariably decides to keep the I/V flowing for another year or two.


Ah yes, the CFR, of course! Brilliantly effective.

Which reminds me, I keep asking the Fed for one of them “windows,” not a peep…

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