Remote harvester setup - Windows 10

So I’ve come across a spare rig running Windows 10 & was planning to set it up as remote harvester +/- plotter

I’ve set up remote harvesters previously with older versions of Chia.exe & it’s been quite straightforward.

Usually, I install the latest version of chia.exe, exit the program (with inputing mnemonic phrase or running full node) & move the Ca folder & set up everything via PowerShell

However, every time I try to run any chia related command on Powershell with the latest 1.6.0 it seems to attempt to open the actual Chia programme/GUI with the following error/explanation

Checking if userData migration is needed

C:\Users\xxxAppData\Roaming\Chia Blockchain\Local Storage\leveldb exists: false

C:\Users\jxxx.chia\mainnet\gui\Chia Blockchain\Local Storage\leveldb exists: true

C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Chia Blockchain\Local Storage\leveldb\migrated exists: false

Migration needed: false

Setting user data directory to C:\Users\xxx.chia\mainnet\gui\Chia Blockchain

Running python executable:

child process success

Do I need to remove part of the Chia programme to be able to just use CLI?
Any advice?

Hope that makes sense

Thanks in advance

Just to clarify. Could you show which directory you are in when you are using CLI, and what command you are trying to run?

Also, could you check your PATH, whether the Chia folder is there.

By the way, it looks like the Chia original code came from Linux side, as such some things are not really translating well into Windows. One of those is that the file names / paths are case sensitive in Linux. So, having Chia as the GUI starter and chia as the main process is OK under Linux, but is rather nonsense on Windows side. As Chia.exe (capital C) is only meant to be run to start UI, you can safely rename it to ChiaGUI.exe or whatever you like. This way, you will take it out of the way from the eventual path (whether explicit or implicit). Whatever initialization should be done was done when you run the setup, so there is no need on the harvester side to have Chia.exe around after that.

Open the ~/.chia/mainnet/config/config.yaml file in each harvester, and enter your main machine’s IP address in the remote harvester’s farmer_peer section (NOT full_node).
crt: config/ssl/ca/chia_ca.crt
key: config/ssl/ca/chia_ca.key
host: Main.Machine.IP
port: 8447
For example, this section would look like:

crt: config/ssl/ca/chia_ca.crt
key: config/ssl/ca/chia_ca.key
host: <----this is my farmer static IP
port: 8447

cd ~\AppData\Local\chia-blockchain\app-1.6.0\resources\app.asar.unpacked\daemon\

.\chia start -r harvester

If you want to plot on that same machine I would use madmax plotmanager from CLI

There is more than one “chia.exe” file.
For anything (other than starting the GUI), use the chia.exe that is located in:


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thanks everyone - gives me a few things to try tomorrow!

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