Spent too much trying to jump into chia, too late in the game. Getting out while I can. Going to keep my plotters, but I’m looking to sell all my new, still packaged drives. Also have ~1200 plots on exos x16 drives that I may be looking to sell with the private key for the right price.
Those are very good drives you have. The price point for brand new Seagage/WD external drives these days is about $17-$18 per terabyte. Your appears to be between $34 and $40 per terabyte. If you could get the prices at least below $17 per terabyte, you’d get much more interest I’m sure.
Brand new drives are hard to come buy right now. $18/tb would be ~$300 each, which is nowhere close to “brand new” price. Even if you could get distributor prices, you would be making very low profit margins(if any profit) by selling new drives for $300/each
Selling those plots is a security risk for the person buying them. The wallet is at risk of being monitored and or hacked. No offense but not that you would, but you could steal XCH if any was won. No sane person would buy those plots.
For people looking to buy plots, its safest to use a plotting service that takes the public key and adds it to their Chia program then plots with that.
The thing is, the externals are drives that don’t meet the standards of their regular drives. Sub-par is another way to phrase it. I find selling drives on a Chia forum sort of like selling AA books that you no longer want, to AA members as they leave an AA meeting. Strikes me as odd. So the buy and sell section, it’s for those who has lost hope in the dream and giving up. Thing is, if you’re giving up then I would suspect it’s going to be a hard sell around here. You need to find those less informed.