Swar config for ryzen 5800x and 2 TB

16 threads
1.86 TB temp ssd
48 GB ram

max_concurent : 15
max for for phasse 1: 3
minimum minutes betwen jobs : 5

threads 4
memory 4500
max concurrent: 6 (6*260GB = 1,56GB) - can i use 7 here ?
max concurrent with start early 8
stagger minutes: 50
max for phase 1 : 3
concurency start early 4

is this ok ?

allso if i want to attach more then one hdd for final folder, will the swar manager write one plot to one final drive, the next plot to another final drive and so on ?

for the temporary 2 dir if i chouse a internal ssd sata on wich the OS resides, will the swar manager move from tempporary to temporary 2 the first stage of the first plot , and then the nex one. ? or how this temporary 2 fodler works ?

thank u for your response