Taking your old plots to HPOOL Poll

So, earnings for HPOOL right now are like 20 days to get 1 Chia. In that time with 650 plots you could get 2 chia solo mining, or even more, if you are in luck

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Absolutely true! I my ā€œtime to winā€ has been stuck at a month for the last month or so. I did get lucky about 3 weeks ago when I won a block, but Iā€™ve been plotting about 30-50 plots a day since then and havenā€™t won a thing. If I had joined hpool right after I won that block, Iā€™d almost have another 1 chia right now!

But these debates are about solo mining vs pool mining, not about hpool, so I will leave it at that. There are multiple ways of looking at this situation - choose what is best for you! :sunglasses:


I am a small farmerā€¦ Making 8 plots a day, already have 120 at hpool. I have space almost 300. Once they launch The pool update I will start plotting tĆ“ other poolsā€¦ When fullfill HDs I ll decide wether buy more hd or replace old plots, 8 by dayā€¦ Time will tell, but I still believe in this Project for long tem.

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Just let you know you can use Hpoolchiacalculator .com

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really difficult to solo farming, as more player and the difficulty increasing everyday. if you have 650 plots, it just 0.0006% of whole network, still need a month to win, but if join Hpool, at least has some earning guaranteed to cover the bills.


You still need to make .2 chia to withdrawal, implying you still need to be able to beat the network growth rate to catchup to .2

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Yes, of course - this is a given whether you solo or join any pool. If you solo, you have to beat or at least keep up with the network growth rate to keep the same chance of getting lucky. If you pool, you have to beat or at least keep up with the network growth rate to keep the same income rate every day. At my current income of 0.05/day, I will be able to withdrawal in 4 days assuming I can keep up with the growth rate for the next 4 days.

Again, this is a debate about pool vs solo, not about hpool. Official pools will have minimum withdrawal rates too and the same logic will apply.

Pooling should of been in from the getgo, they should of met their target of the 17th of May for pooling, they should of met their target of the end of May.

So many who are in HPOOL will be doubtfully replotting at this point by the time official pooling comes in, they are leaving it far too long.

Ideally we need to be able to do pooling with our existing plots or make plotting 100x faster.

Remember that even after pools come out officially, h pool will still have 35% of the block wins.

Unless people leave them to join other pools, they will continue growing, and even with official pools they block wins will be the same. And if they change to a official pool, their power will grow even faster.

Also as i said previously, most of the official pools will fails, only those who get enough people and a decent plotting power will sustain. I see very difficult to those top50 actual addresses join a polls ( i wouldnā€™t for sure).

And if you join a pool that after xx days/weeks donā€™t get any return or not enough return, you will change to other till you find one that has decent payments (block wins).

im very confident that chiaforum official pool will have a decent power to get good wins,


the number of pools is growing accordingly to netspaceā€¦ 108 and countingā€¦ the agony of choice :wink:

This will be the first official pool I join too. I will slowly re-plot and move away from hpool one plot at a time. :slight_smile:

same :smile:

i think Iā€™m more scared of that number, than the 35% of hpool eheheh

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Here is some more info from Reddit - somebody reverse engineered hpoolā€™s binary to see what it actually does with your key: Reverse engineered hpool plotter - private keys are safe : hpoolchia (reddit.com)


Netspace its depend. After 10 days maybe half you will earn per day

I calculated per day must at least 10Tb add with plots or even 30TB to hold same earning.
I now to put on ploting k=34 100 pcs just wanna do test work.

I also joined hpool about 10 days ago.

With 200 plots, time to win was over 2 months basically means having a good chance to get nothing untill i ran out of plotting space, after which my chance to win would plummit.

But, reports of silent errors and ppln unsure if they where really farming combined with the delay in official pools pushed me over.

Do keep in mind that the earnings from hpool are 20% lower than they should be.
They say they have close to 50% of the total netspace, but are only getting 34% of rewards.
As far as I see this can have three causes.

  1. They are (on purpose) overstating the pool power.

  2. The math behind the (official) chia earnings is incorrect. :joy:

  3. part of the plots signed up with hpool are not producing due to issues with their software or hardware. (Or ppl are double farming on hpool)

As soon as real pools are online i wil join one of those and start replotting with new keys.

I joined Hpool already, after taking some time to consider the pros and cons. I realized that eventually, I will have to delete all my plots when the official pool protocol launch, so why not put them into Hpool to get some XCH instead of letting them die and keep seeing the big 0 XCH on GUI.

Hpool allows farmers to withdraw at a minimum of 0.2 XCH, and Iā€™m happy with this, itā€™s a lot better than deleting all my plots and still 0 XCH.

I still have 30 TB free to plot but I will stop for now and wait until the official pool protocol release.

I have created a new wallet for this 0.2 XCH so, itā€™s fully secured.


Thatā€™s exactly why I joined HPool too. Today I applied to withdraw my first 0.XCH. The status is ā€œAuditingā€ still (itā€™s been 3 hours as of now). I donā€™t know how long this process takes normally. Hope it goes smoothly.

I think Chia Network will see some resistance from HPool users switching to official pools because they will need to sacrifice all existing plots. Of course they have no right to complain as they single handedly created HPool themselves by not releasing pools at launch and creating an incompatible protocol that will force people to delete existing plots.

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1. Withdrawal applications will be processed on T + 1 days, with centralized review at 17:00 daily;

At least 24h waiting.

My 0.253 XCH arrive in my wallet at around 28 hours.


They only process withdraws at t+1 day, 17:00 their time.

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