"Time Created" in the Full Node Blocks section

what do you mean by that conversion? how is it even possible to have two full_node running within one very same local net

Some new data. Shit show continues…I have zero blocks hit since last post. That is a month ago! with current space the ETA is around 10 days. I calculated, that I have only hit around 50-60% amount of the block compared to the ETA! I just do not believe the probability explanations at this time scales. This is during 8 months! Probability of not hitting a single block during just past month with my plot count is around 5-6%! I am going to give one last try now by converting to one big farmer instead of two and I am going to replot everything with Chia 2.0 and also go for compressed plots since I have my old rtx2080 not being used for anything. Also going for pooling. If the performance does not go up after that then I am out for good…

true, probability isnt alright