Tips for Chia harvesting using S3-compatible APIs

yes, i am using goofys

aws cli is working fine

how do you choose region in CrowdStorage? there is no such option.

i tried s3fs, it’s super slow or maybe my configuration/settings is not correct, what are your settings for s3fs?

They have no regions, they don’t even store the data themself, it’s at someone’s home and some businesses (my cloud home or whatever it’s called. Where u can rent out ur storage space to crowdstorage)

But their endpoint is somewhere in USA, I think it was north Virginia

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so, it is of high probability to loose plots, isn’t it?

what is the total plot size? is it mounted with goofys from wasabi or crowdstorage?

Nah from what I read the same data is stored many times

Has anyone had any success with software that runs on windows? MSP 360 Drive? RaiDrive?

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Hey, I’m using Cloudberry (MSP 360) on Windows Server with Polycloud, but the results are mediocre:

You have applied the chiapos 1.0.3 update?

Haven’t looked into that yet, I’m currently using hpool. Can I use them both in conjunction?

I think it is okay to go back and forth as long as you don’t use them both at the same time?

I believe so, I will give that a try and report back

I was in another conversation which led me here to its root. I would like to chip in my two cents, for what its worth …

I believe that only a person who is bad at math would choose to rent something that they want to (and should) own for years.

Even at your unheard of $4/TB/mth I could buy more than 1TB of storage every year for the cost of renting 1TB of your cloud space for just that same year.

I bought 128TB of 8TB HDDs for under $4000, tax in. It would cost me at least 13 (10TB) x $40/mth x 12 (months) shows a cost of $6240 to rent 130TB on your cloud for one year. So if I spend my money buying storage instead of renting it I can buy over 170TB every year for the annual cost of maintaining my 128TB on your cloud. After 24 months if instead of using the rent of $12,480 I buy my own HDDs, I will have/own over 340TB. If I was renting I would still have just 128TB on your cloud … and still be paying rent …

I see you are also discussing the possible problems with timing and other failures. If I was using your cloud to farm, I would want to have my farmer at home and retain sole ownership of my key. I have seen others comment that this is what they hope to do using your service. You may well prove me wrong, but I think that trying to do this will result in a lot of plots that seem to be being farmed, but in reality, are missing opportunities to pass due to time and other fails. People have these fails on local networks. Adding WAN and your internal cloud network times will almost certainly lead to fails or a least a (drastically?) lowered chance of winning.

Beyond this, what if your cloud crashes, goes bankrupt, or suffers other malfeasance? I could then have no cloud, no plots, and no storage of my own. What security guarantees do I have using your cloud?

I will definitely be buying my own storage as I wish to expand it.

I do not think that using cloud storage for Chia farming makes any financial, technical, or security sense.

I flee in terror!

installed 1.0.3 but gets this error, can’t find much information on how to solve this…

Edit chia-blockchain/chia_blockchain.egg-info/requires.txt and change the line from




@Aspy68 That has always been true of any cloud service, not just storage. If you look how much any cloud is charging for servers, bandwidth, storage, etc. you could always buy your own hardware and get it done cheaper. People use the cloud for different reasons and we don’t need to debate those here.

I wrote these tips to try and help those who already were trying to use the cloud avoid some common pitfalls, not convince anyone to switch to the cloud that wasn’t already.


Your price is the lowest I have heard of and you appear to be well intentioned.

Good luck to you and the cloud!

Be well.

The endpoint seems in Washington, D.C. which is good for harvesters/farmers in Northern Virginia, my average ping time from AWS us-east1 is 1.44ms, so far so good.

Inspired by @jacobcs, I just made a patch to rename temp file name locally and copy to the s3 bucket, it will save the unwanted additional fee, which sounds good:

@MisterOutofTime It’s good and no additional space needed to save locally first and then move to remote storage. But to do this very fast, we need to have a cronjob for for this to move *.plot files to the remote storage, am I right?

For Chiapos, I found that the latest version of chia-blockchain now supports 1.0.3 already no need to git clone the version 1.0.3 and compile it, if it still 1.0.2 installed, you can just remove the version in from chia-blockchain by using the sed command:

sed -i ‘/chiapos==/c\ "chiapos", # proof of space’

It saves a lot of compile time too!!